The world is a better place with Walmart in it.

India is an important part of the Walmart story.

The agencies are the Walmarts of the welfare agency

The typical Walmart today offers you 100,000 products.

Walmart is going to be very good at this e-commerce game.

We want everybody to feel comfortable shopping at Walmart.

Focus on something the customer wants, and then deliver it.

Walmart is committed to fighting hunger in America every day.

We want everyone at Walmart to feel comfortable coming to work.

I tell you, Bono may have a point. South Africa needs a Walmart.

Respect for the individual is one of our core beliefs at Walmart.

The first time I got locked up, I was in Walmart stealing BB guns.

I think there are people living in Walmart dressed up as employees.

I worked at a McDonald's inside a Walmart. It wasn't even a real McDonald's.

I work really hard to portray things that you're not going to see at Walmart.

When you look at Hitler and those thugs, you can put Walmart right next to them.

At Walmart, we recognize the need to support the development of our nation's youth.

We've done both. We can do both. We can raise the quality and still have Walmart prices.

You can't compete with Walmart. But you can have smaller businesses that are successful.

If Alibaba cannot become a Microsoft or Walmart, I will regret it for the rest of my life.

I can walk into Walmart in California and not really get mentioned for being a football player.

I am still waiting for the day that they say, 'Time's up, Blanco. Back to your shift at Walmart.'

America's vast population of working poor can only get so poor before even Walmart is out of reach.

What the American worker needs is more of what WalMart offers and less of what the government offers.

Nobody is convinced that Johnny Depp goes to Walmart dressed as Sweeney Todd, but everyone expects us to.

I'm getting a bunch more face tattoos, because it doesn't look like I'm ever going to have to apply to a Walmart or Best Buy.

I got tired of walking through Durham with people screaming 'Carolina' at me when I walk through Walmart and stuff like that.

Walmart is an amazing story of entrepreneurship and, as one of the world's most powerful brands, touches millions of lives every day.

Walmart markets its gun department as 'sports and outdoors,' but let us get one thing straight: They are not just selling hunting rifles.

My mum was working in Walmart for €350 per month, about £280. My father was working as a house painter. We had a difficult situation with money.

Walmart's Global Women's Economic Empowerment Initiative is working to create opportunity and empower women and girls in markets around the world.

There are many different artforms that are just being lost because the whole digital revolution has homogenized everything, turned it all into Walmart.

The hollowing out of the heartland was good for Walmart's bottom line: its slogan might have been an amoral maxim attributed to Lenin - 'The worse, the better.'

Customers want a broad assortment, especially with e-commerce. If you pull up your mobile app to look for something at Walmart, we want you to be able to find it.

White male privilege remains alive in America, but the phrase would seem odd, if not infuriating, to a sixty-year-old man working as a Walmart greeter in southern Ohio.

Together, Apple and Walmart represent the intense separation of American life into blue and red, rich and poor, overpriced and undersold, hyperconnected and left behind.

Walmart isn't your average mom-and-pop operation. It's the largest employer in America. As such, it's the trendsetter for millions of other employers of low-wage workers.

It was honestly like 'Annie.' One day I was alone in a cold, dark Eastern European orphanage, and then the next day I was in an enchanted, mystical land known as Walmart.

The fan base that I've had all these years has come along. Some of them are not as plugged into the digital world, so they want to go out and buy the CD at Walmart or something.

Low prices at Walmart are a given. Customers almost take that for granted. But they also want to save time, and that goal is increasing in importance relative to just saving money.

We see great growth in the United States. But also in China, Brazil, the U.K., and other markets around the world. So ecommerce is going to continue to be a great story for Walmart.

There is no earthly reason why Walmart and McDonald's and Walgreens and these other giant, profitable institutions should have one worker in need of public assistance. It's ridiculous.

I think among a lot of American families who see Walmart as one of their brands and it may be the best thing in town, they may not have any options whether they want to boycott or not.

Walmart is not arrogant. We could go away at any minute. I think most of us act that way every day. If you're not willing to fail - and we are failing at some things - you're going to go away.

We have to do commerce differently because the WalMart system of big box chain retail will soon die. This means rebuilding local main street economies (networks of local economic interdependency).

We built Bonobos, with more than a few dozen customers and counting, and the industry we were disrupting didn't seem to care. Then we 'sold out' to Walmart. Abracadabra. The red carpet rolled open.

Walmart was built on the idea that we could give our customers access to the items they need every day at the lowest prices by eliminating waste and managing our expenses better than the competition.

Cameras can look down from on high and predict crop yields, traffic in Walmart parking lots, and travel patterns on Labor Day weekend. On the ground, they form the foundation of autonomous-driving systems.

My dad had a guitar that he gave me. I went to Walmart and bought a chord chart and hung it up in my room, and I was just trying to figure out how to play the guitar and put words with what I was learning.

Sometimes I feel like women of the world who are single moms and are working in Walmart are the strongest women out there, and that's what's really exciting to me is being all these different types of women.

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