Schools should bring back the whip.

I just can't whip off a likeness of somebody.

Most people don't get a fair crack of the whip.

I want to continue to serve as whip of the caucus.

Why not whip the teacher when the pupil misbehaves?

It's no secret I was part of John Dingell's whip team.

Africans, we hold on to our youths and whip them into shape.

When you can whip any man in the world, you never know peace.

Sad old blokes, I'm told, now dream of me with a whip in hand.

I'm not sure if I can whip, but I can nae nae with the best of them.

Who wants an orange whip? Orange whip? Orange whip? Three orange whips.

I hated cracking the whip, and these juries turn into political things.

The way I fight, it's not me beatin' the man. I make the man whip himself.

My folks kicked me out of the crib, so I was homeless, living out the whip.

Debt, n. An ingenious substitute for the chain and whip of the slavedriver.

When I throw the hook, I think of my arm as a whip with a rock attached to the end.

There's nowhere in London where you can use a whip without getting too much attention.

For me, I would get so frustrated because I would see these other bands just whip by us.

Being whip is working with members, educating them, and trying to move legislation forward.

When you use the whip, it makes the loudest crack. It's a very, very difficult weapon to use.

I am lucky enough to be married to a personal trainer. He's able to whip me into shape pretty quickly.

Starting in 2005, my first session in the legislature, my colleagues elected me to be Democratic whip.

I always whip up chicken cutlets or something. Or I make chicken parm and pasta, or something like that.

I certainly want to be the whip, and that's an election every two years in the Senate Democratic caucus.

If you have a complete set of salad bowls and they all say Kool Whip on the side, you might be a redneck.

There is no person so severely punished, as those who subject themselves to the whip of their own remorse.

When God hands you a gift, he also hands you a whip; and the whip is intended for self-flagellation solely.

Shouldn't Democrats insist that Sen. Durbin step down as their whip, the number two man in their leadership?

I wouldn't call him a slave. I don't whip him when he does something wrong. Just when he does something good.

I'm Jamaican, so I come from a very whip with two belts background - being sensitive isn't really part of my culture.

I grip very close to the butt of the racket. This allows me to get a lot of wrist action to create more spin and whip.

The whip's office is almost more educational - educating members on the bill itself, listening to members ahead of time.

Everyone should have hair. When you get dressed up, you must do that last whip of hair spray, or life's not worth living.

People shouldn't have to lose their accents to get a fair crack at the whip at a job or move up within a sector or industry.

I've been in beautiful landscapes where one is tempted to whip out a camera and take a picture. I've learned to resist that.

I always write like the devil's behind me with a whip. I'm going to write because I like it. Then I'm going to write another.

My 91-year-old great-grandma would get out of her chair and whip me if I start acting like I'm some star or something like that.

It has often been observed that the repercussion of poetic language on prose language can be considered a decisive cut of a whip.

My aim then was to whip the rebels, to humble their pride, to follow them to their inmost recesses, and make them fear and dread us.

I'm not the best fly fisherman, but I can fly-fish, because I crack a whip. I learned to crack a whip as a boy... I have skills, mad skills.

I once went down the Amazon and our boat got charged by Columbian policemen with guns and we all had to get on motorbikes and whip across town.

I'm kind of a gossip hound, but watching the media whip the small fires into giant forest fires so that they can cover the result is infuriating.

The role at the DCCC as well as the role of chief deputy whip - I wouldn't be where I am in those spots if it were not for the speaker's approval.

Sometimes we'd have to climb a tree and pick our own whips to be disciplined with. When you had to pick your own whip, you knew you were in for it.

Some of the best dishes I can remember are from my childhood. Sometimes, whenever I want to feel like a kid again, I just whip them up for the family.

I think I've always used the whip in the correct way. I see marked horses every day, and it's not a pretty sight, but I've never marked a horse. Never.

So I had a couple of years of playing trumpet. I really enjoyed it, but it was not the kind of instrument you could whip out at a party. Let's face it.

A titled leader relies heavily on positional power to get things done; a natural leader is able to mobilize others without the whip of formal authority.

I cannot imagine any circumstances under which David McNarry would be back in the Ulster Unionist Assembly group of MLAs when I have control of the whip.

I used to eat the batter raw. My sister would make it and I'd lick the bowl and then I started to get it off the shelf and whip it up and eat it with a spoon.

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