They are perfect; how else?-they shall never change: We are faulty; ...

They are perfect; how else?-they shall never change: We are faulty; why not?-we have time in store.

I love having fun! Why not?

I say, 'Why not' to everything.

Why not give Christianity a trial?

Can I win Wimbledon? Well, why not?

I've dated jerks, so why not geeks?

Why not live now instead of someday?

Why not imagine yourself successful?

Why not be a man and fight like a man.

Why not? After all, it belongs to him.

But I don't give up; I forget why not.

My poor fellow, why not carry a watch?

Don't ask 'Why', ask instead, 'Why not'.

Why not the Bahamas? Or the Corn Palace?

So why not become a mongrel? It's healthy

You live once... Why not live to be great?

We measure everything - why not governance?

Fighters can fight into their 50s. Why not?

If someone asked you, why not help him out?

Science isn't about WHY, it's about WHY NOT!

Why not aspire to build a real Jurassic Park?

Why not just eliminate the federal income tax?

Why not - is a slogan for an interesting life.

Will I obliterate national debt? Sure, why not?

Well why not a technology of joy, of happiness?

I dream of things that are not and ask why not.

You have to think anyway, so why not think big?

Life is full of risks anyway; why not take them?

Sure, the Bundesliga would interest me. Why not?

Keep going, someone must be on top, why not you?

Women are individuals in parenting, and why not?

We sing in a church, why can we not dance there?

I mean, if cans can be recycled, why not spirits?

Every time I step up I win so why not keep going.

It would be good to star in a teleserye, why not.

If you can make money with your talents, why not?

Why not show off if you've got something to show?

There's diversity in nature, so why not the media?

Why not whip the teacher when the pupil misbehaves?

I'd do another Cortana advert, I don't see why not.

Kanye and Pharrell are in fashion. Why not J Balvin?

Why not see which is brighter: your aura or the sun?

Why not make a daily pleasure out a daily necessity.

You have laws to protect oil men, so why not artists?

Play for Canada? Why not? I have a Canadian passport.

Why not liberate voters to actually vote your values?

Going for character: why not now, and where you stand?

I love brunch because it's breakfast and lunch why not.

If you're going to have centralization, why not have it!

We have escapist fiction, so why not escapist biography?

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