I always love the domineering, slightly wicked women on screen.

'Wicked' has such a wild fan base - like, a voracious fan base.

Man in general, if reduced to himself, is too wicked to be free.

You're either slangin' crack rock, or you got a wicked jumpshot.

If you desire to be good, begin by believing that you are wicked.

My first band, Kid Wicked, we did half covers and half originals.

Religious questions have often led to wicked and impious actions.

And pictures of perfection, as you know, make me sick and wicked.

Sooner could a fish live upon a tree than the wicked in Paradise.

I'd like to do Glinda in a movie of 'Wicked.' That'd be my dream.

To me, if you can do the Wicked Witch live, you can play anybody.

How wicked, my brothers, innocent milk must always seem to me now.

Nothing is permanent in this wicked world - not even our troubles.

No, you're wrong. I'm a hundred percent callow and deeply shallow.

I got heavily into the drum-and-bass scene, which is really wicked.

Was ever any wicked man free from the stings of a guilty conscience?

The wicked are always surprised to find that the good can be clever.

The fools in this world make about as much trouble as the wicked do.

Cause I's wicked, - I is. I's mighty wicked, anyhow, I can't help it.

Virtue is persecuted more by the wicked than it is loved by the good.

Virtue is persecuted by the wicked more than it is loved by the good.

It's the fools that make all the trouble in the world, not the wicked.

Goodness is equally hateful to the wicked, as vice is to the virtuous.

Do not be deceived; happiness and enjoyment do not lie in wicked ways.

I start work at 5 in the morning and I have a wicked insomnia problem.

No wicked man knows happiness, and least of all the seducer of others.

It is much easier to show compassion to animals. They are never wicked.

To see and listen to the wicked is already the beginning of wickedness.

Bear in mind that you commit a crime by injuring even a wicked brother.

I prefer the wicked rather than the foolish. The wicked sometimes rest.

The malice of the wicked was reinforced by the weakness of the virtuous.

Even angels have their wicked schemes and you take that to new extremes.

You told a lie, an odious damned lie; Upon my soul, a lie, a wicked lie.

Better is the little of the righteous than the abundance of many wicked.

Never regret anything because at one time it was exactly what you wanted.

Wicked people are always surprised to find ability in those that are good.

Peter stood up and let a wicked smile slide across his face. "Time to play.

Heaven never defaults. The wicked are sure of their wages, sooner or later.

To be wicked does not insure prosperity - for the inn did not succeed well.

None so good that he has no faults, None so wicked that he is worth naught.

To create a public scandal is what's wicked; to sin in private is not a sin.

Sin in a wicked man is like poison in a serpent; it is in its natural place.

Fiction is the great repository of the moral sense. The wicked get punished.

Somebody with Debbie Reynolds' features doesn't get cast as the Wicked Witch.

Men are always wicked at bottom unless they are made good by some compulsion.

Do good even to the wicked; it is as well to shut a dog's mouth with a crumb.

I never wonder to see men wicked, but I often wonder to see them not ashamed.

The only time laughter is wicked is when it is turned against Him Who gave it.

That state is best ordered when the wicked have no command, and the good have.

Whereas I will be with a wicked, handsome Rom who will keep me warm all night.

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