Don't wait for the good woman. She doesn't exist.

A homely woman is one of the most comely of apes.

There is no sincerity like a woman telling a lie.

Women want love to be a novel, men a short story.

A woman needn't be dragged down by her functions.

A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous.

Men are misers, and women prodigal, in affection.

Women have a favorite room, men a favorite chair.

Today's girls are tomorrow's women - and leaders.

Womankind Is ever a fickle and a changeful thing.

A woman in love is a very poor judge of character.

Promises made out of ignorance should not be kept.

One should only see a psychiatrist out of boredom.

I'm not fighting. I just telling you what's right.

It's good practice to be silly. It's good for you.

Women... can't live with 'em...... can't shoot 'em

Every time we liberate a woman, we liberate a man.

The test of civilization is its estimate of women.

She was trying to get rid of a religious hangover.

Women who seek to be equal with men lack ambition.

Wives are people who feel they don't dance enough.

His voice was as intimate as the rustle of sheets.

Housekeeping in common is for women the acid test.

Courage is like a muscle. We strengthen it by use.

It takes a real designer to design for real women.

A woman can keep one secret the secret of her age.

A woman is essentially a vessel made to be filled.

The hardest thing in this world, is to live in it.

Curiosity is one of the forms of feminine bravery.

All promises are empty - until they are fulfilled.

Women are responsible for creating their own roles

I know what women want. They want to be beautiful.

Never miss an opportunity to look like a nice guy.

Women serve but to keep a man from better company.

Sex is a bad thing because it rumples the clothes.

There's nothing wrong with blame, if blame is due.

The older one grows, the more one likes indecency.

When you're around people, act like you like them.

None of us want to be in calm waters all our lives.

My philosophy of dating is to just fart right away.

Female murderers get sheaves of offers of marriage.

Twenty-four is a prudent age for women to marry at.

His conversation was marked by its happy abundance.

Women temper men. We have a good influence on them.

Behind every great man is a woman rolling her eyes.

I could sooner reconcile all Europe than two women.

My father was often angry when I was most like him.

I know little of women. But I've heard dread tales.

America is a land where men govern, but women rule.

Going into therapy doesn't guarantee poop on toast.

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