Without the hand check rule, players are more likely to work their way open.

I've been putting 100% of work into defense like I do hitting because that way I can help my team more.

I have improved the way in which I paint. The colours are cleaner and there is more energy in the brush work.

One way to reduce the need for layoffs would be to cut back on hours, spreading the available work among more employees.

I work a lot with sounds based on stream of consciousness. I like the way it sounds, then I turn it into something that makes more sense.

The West is more organised, and they work according to a plan. That is one way of functioning, and I mean no disrespect to my country, because the way Bollywood functions works fine within our perimeters.

With our work at Kazaa, we began seeing growing broadband connections and more powerful computers and more streaming multimedia, and we saw that the traditional way of communicating by phone no longer made a lot of sense.

We writers, as we work our way deeper into our craft, learn to drop more and more personal clues. Like burglars who secretly wish to be caught, we leave our fingerprints on broken locks, our voiceprints in bugged rooms, our footprints in the wet concrete.

The dry academic tomes I wrote very early in my career were earnest reflections of the research I conducted, the analysis I applied and the conclusions I drew. And they had few readers, mostly other academics. I learned along the way and started including more and more stories in my work.

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