The only way to find true happiness is to risk being completely cut ...

The only way to find true happiness is to risk being completely cut open.

Cut back your spending now.

Never cut what you can untie.

I'm not cut out for politics.

The first cut is the deepest.

I was not cut out to be a rebel.

Don't ask me to cut my ponytail.

I'm trying to cut down my cursing.

Trust everybody, but cut the cards.

Many kiss the hand they wish cut off.

It's very liberating to cut your hair.

Drama is life with the dull bits cut out.

If you take shortcuts, you get cut short.

I don't think I am cut out for reality shows.

You can cut the tension with a cricket stump.

I'd like to cut down on the work a little bit.

I think the tax cut is ridiculous but so am I.

A good cut of steak is always a go-to splurge.

Being cut off from the outside world is scary.

I was on 'Blue Bloods.' Which I think got cut.

My knee is screwed. I had the meniscus cut out.

I have a perfect cure for a sore throat: cut it.

I will cut all state taxes by at least one third.

What is drama but life with the dull bits cut out.

I think they should have a Barbie with a buzz cut.

I hope she misses the cut. She doesn't belong here.

I think my best feature are my abs. They're cut up.

You know, if it doesn't work, we can always cut it.

Hors D'oeuvre: A ham sandwich cut into forty pieces.

I really cut my teeth on off-off-off Broadway shows.

Truth is, I cut my hair for freedom, not for beauty.

A short cut to riches is to subtract from our desires.

I cut my hair. I did that. That wasn't a good decision.

Don't cut corners or compromise to achieve your dreams.

If I never got cut, I wouldn't have the Super Bowl ring.

Parents are the bones on which children cut their teeth.

Don't cut my throat, I may want to do that later myself.

Wit must be foiled by wit: cut a diamond with a diamond.

I have cut away what I call the excess stuff in my life.

It's not easy to cut through a human head with a hacksaw.

I've never had my hair cut by anybody, I do it all myself.

He who is without a newspaper is cut off from his species.

My career was obviously cut shorter than I wanted it to be.

Beckham? His wife can't sing and his barber can't cut hair.

I go out and walk around the yard. Sometimes I'll cut grass.

A liberal will cut off your leg so he can hand you a crutch.

Never underestimate people. They do desire the cut of truth.

I'd rather make the cut in the Crosby than win another Oscar.

I've never forgotten a single record I cut or a song I wrote.

I'm actually one who will encourage directors to cut my lines.

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