I'm always working hard.

I will keep working hard!

I'm working hard every day.

I'm not shy of working hard.

We've never minded working hard.

I just have to keep working hard.

I spent my whole life working hard.

I'm a kid who grew up working hard.

I've been working hard my whole life.

By working hard, age is just a number.

Talent without working hard is nothing.

I keep working hard, and this will pay off.

I never underestimate luck and working hard.

I have to keep moving and keep working hard.

I love working hard; I think people know that.

I'm used to working hard and making sacrifices.

When I go running, I see Mexicans working hard.

You just have to keep working hard in training.

Black people have been working hard for decades.

I love the weight room, and I love working hard.

I grew up working hard to earn everything I had.

I learned the value of hard work by working hard.

You make your own luck by working hard, you know?

I keep working hard to show people they're wrong.

I'm working hard since the beginning of my career.

Even when I was injured, I was always working hard.

I'm building myself up and working hard on my body.

I just focus on working hard and play with serenity.

I want to keep working hard and looking to progress.

I have to keep working hard and improving every day.

If one keeps working hard then no one can stop them.

We are all really working hard to improve our batting.

I'll just keep working hard and see where it takes me.

If you like your job, I suppose you enjoy working hard.

Keep working hard and you will have your day in the sun.

Keep working hard and you can get anything that you want.

It is all about working hard, focusing and doing our job.

Well, we're working hard all the time. We have ambitions.

By working hard at Hoffenheim, I made it into the Selecao.

As long as I keep working hard, the sky will be the limit.

I don't recommend not working hard, but it's worked for me.

I'm never one to shy away from competition or working hard.

I am working hard to keep making progress, to always improve.

Me not working hard? Yeah, right - picture that with a Kodak.

Nobody's going to sell 10 million records by not working hard.

If you stop working hard, that's when things get to your head.

Working hard as an actor means you're doing what you want to do.

I just have to keep working hard and keep pushing for my chance.

Rich kids work hard. Most black kids aren't working hard enough.

I'm a firm believer that you can only get better by working hard.

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