Movies are something people see all over the world because there is a certain need for it.

I see the world become so uniform. Everybody has to be the same. I like people who are different.

What I see around the world are movements around people like Macron in France and Trudeau in Canada.

When you get to see the world, it changes you. You realise that there are all kinds of people out there.

We see ourselves as being people who want to take India to the world; we see ourselves as being aggressive, assuming risk.

I don't want people abroad to see India like it's shown in a film like 'Slumdog Millionaire.' We are at par with the world.

People strangely revere dance. They see it as another world, and dancers are somehow mysterious - just because they don't speak.

Bollywood, no doubt, has a wider acclaim, and it feels top of the world to see people from all around the world dancing to my songs.

The backstage play, in which the private lives of theater people are put onstage for the world to see, is one of the diciest of dramatic genres.

I don't see how you can grow as a world without being able to get along with people. So many people is hating out there and it's not making a difference.

The imperialists see extremists everywhere. It's not that we are extremists. It's that the world is waking up. It's waking up all over, and people are standing up.

The job of the poet is to render the world - to see it and report it without loss, without perversion. No poet ever talks about feelings. Only sentimental people do.

Many Americans, and many more people around the world, have been outraged by what they see as President George W. Bush's radical reordering of American foreign policy.

Now, that is in a way also what scientists are trying to do they're trying to get people to see that the world can be represented in an alternative way and that it's right.

Why can't I make up my own characters and paint the people I want to see in the world? I'm depicting the many people who existed in history but whose presence was never documented.

I think arts should be liberal, people should be allowed to express themselves. It happens in most democratic countries in the world, and I don't see why it should be different in India.

I'm on Facebook anonymously. I wanted to see how people use it, what's going on there, but I personally didn't want to be on it because everybody in the world tries to get to you with scripts.

Being in the European Union, we would be building bridges between the 1.5 bn people of Muslim world to the non-Muslim world. They have to see this. If they ignore it, it brings weakness to the E.U.

I see no reason why there still are large lectures in universities throughout the world. When people gather, they should be interactive, problem-solving, and experimenting; not passively listening.

What I want to see is more mixed casts. We need it. People need to be brave - in the real world, everyone and anyone is around. So if people get to see themselves on the stage, they'll want to come.

I think people are excited because, even watching 'Boy Meets World,' you can tell that those characters are going to do something when they get older. I think people are excited to see characters they grew up with continue.

Readers are hungry to have their stories in the world, to see mirrors of themselves if the stories are about people like them, and to have windows if the stories are about people who have been historically absent in literature.

Facebook and Instagram are both really popular with teens, both in the U.S. and globally across the world. I think what you're starting to see is that there are all these different ways that people want to share and communicate.

I write the songs and hand it over to the world and see what happens. But the things that I've written for people that have been hits, I don't know that I would have directed them in the right path, but they definitely wound up on the right path.

The analogy I use is that 'World of Warcraft' is like going to the mall: you see a ton of people there, but you don't really want to interact with them; you just want to know you're part of the human race. And if you get in trouble, you'll know someone else is there.

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