Nobody needs to worry about my toughness.

Don't worry about what you can't control.

Don't worry. You're just as sane as I am.

To him who is afraid, everything rustles.

We worry top-down, but we invest bottom-up

Worry is yet another side effect of dying.

Don't worry what others are doing. Do you!

Worrying is one of my few forms of prayer.

No man is free who cannot control himself.

A wife's a worry, a non-wife's even worse.

When I stop becoming, that's when I worry.

Worry in the dark can make it even darker.

Who can worry about a career? Have a life.

I can't worry about what other people say.

I don't worry about things I can't control.

To live by worry is to live against reality

No one can pray and worry at the same time.

Don't worry, Rickey, you're still the best.

I don't need to worry about being idolised.

Worry about him? I never even heard of him.

Better to be busy than to be busy worrying.

In Europe people don't worry about the body.

Our worries always come from our weaknesses.

A pound of worry won't pay an ounce of debt.

In Tarzan I only had to worry about the bees

Don't worry, spiders, I keep house casually.

Anxiety is the mark of spiritual insecurity.

Do not worry about the incarnation of ideas.

Concentration is a fine antidote to anxiety.

Abandon knowledge and your worries are over.

Worry is an intrusion into God's providence.

Stay worry-free. Show love and you get love.

Don’t worry about cool, make your own uncool.

Worry is essentially a misuse of imagination.

In Tarzan I only had to worry about the bees.

It takes a big person to avoid small worries.

Has worrying about tomorrow every changed it?

I don't really worry about a crowd liking me.

By worrying as little as possible about fame.

Worriers spend a lot of time shoveling smoke.

Today's winemakers still worry about quality.

Don’t worry, be happy! Embrace your weirdness.

Don’t worry about the money. Love the process.

Most things I worry about never happen anyway.

As you get older, you worry about your memory.

I don't have time to worry about looking cool.

Fear is a noose that binds until it strangles.

I don't worry about what my opponent is doing.

I never worry about action, but only inaction.

Worry comes from the belief you are powerless.

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