Thanksgiving is worry's kryptonite.

Lord, baseball is a worrying thing.

Worry destroys the ability to write.

Confusion is the main cause of worry

The woman in you is the worry in me.

Don't take tomorrow to bed with you.

Worry is the stomach's worst poison.

Without memory there are no worries.

We just cannot worry about ourselves.

I don't see why anybody should worry.

Worrying is betting against yourself.

Worry worships the words of the enemy

Witch hunters is white women’s worry.

Relax, don't worry, have a home brew.

Don't worry. It's just a flesh wound.

Worrying is a necessary part of life.

Life is too short for mean anxieties.

You can be barefoot and have worries.

Don't worry chief, it will be alright.

Any degree of unemployment worries me.

Don't worry mom . I am still a virgin.

Worry is a misuse of your imagination.

Writers write about what worries them.

Bein Crazy is the least of my worries.

Like any woman, I worry about my body.

I'm too busy. I have no time for worry.

It doesn't worry me how I'm remembered.

Why should he who is scared be careful?

Worry is interest paid before it's due.

I'm an actor, I worry about everything.

It is not work that kills, but "worry."

Prayer allows us to wait without worry.

Don't worry honey, I'm too mean to die.

The sovereign cure for worry is prayer.

Unease, anxiety, tension, stress, worry

Oh, I'll be forgotten too, don't worry.

When it gets easy, I worry about things.

I don't worry about stress. I create it.

Forget about style; worry about results.

Both worry and stress reek of arrogance.

No human thing is of serious importance.

Fear ringed by doubt is my eternal moon.

Don't worry?! You sliced your hand open!

We fear only what we haven’t understood.

The person of benevolence never worries.

My worry is how to protect the Filipino.

The job of the Central Bank is to worry.

Life is to be entered upon with courage.

I am too busy. I have not time for worry.

Worry is a cloud which rains destruction.

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