I loved the writing process. I loved it.

My writing process isn't a very organized thing.

Music is an important part of my writing process.

I love the structural part of the writing process.

Music helps me immeasurably in the writing process.

In the writing process, the more a story cooks, the better.

The writing process, it's too mysterious to try and describe.

I'm not a poet. So the writing process is a difficult one for me.

The pleasure for me is in the writing process, which has its own challenges.

There is something unwholesome and destructive about the entire writing process.

The most difficult and complicated part of the writing process is the beginning.

The writing process isn't something I'm in love with. I'm an illustrator who writes.

The writing process for me is pretty much always the same - it's a solitary experience.

I write wherever I am. It helps that the writing process, for me, is a lone-wolf mission.

The writing process really became natural when it was real and from my heart, and I was exposed.

For me, the writing process is the same as the reading process. I want to know what happens next.

The writing process is the time where nothing's been set in stone. It's a blank slate, or a blank page.

I don't really like questions about the writing process, because the truth is I don't know how I write.

My writing process, such as it is, consists of a lot of noodling, procrastinating, dawdling, and avoiding.

When the stories come easily and the writing process doesn't feel laboring, that's usually a good sign for me.

I wasn't letting people in with the music writing process, and for a long time, I thought I was hard to work with.

I always thought the writing process for movies and TV shows was just a blueprint. The making of it was the thing.

Writing anything as an expert is really poisonous to the writing process, because you lose the quality of discovery.

I try not to think too much about my writing process - I tend to feel my way forward and find more insights that way.

I love the writing process. It's something that I'm interested in personally and something I always do on every movie.

I intentionally approached each story in 'Killing and Dying' in a different way, and that includes the writing process.

The songwriting process is different on every record because you're never coming from the same place when you're writing.

I don't see myself directing things I don't write because, to me, directing was just an extension of the writing process.

I'll tell you what I was most surprised to discover about my writing process, and that is that I never know what I'm doing.

I have had quite a lot of prizes, but I don't think it makes any difference to the ease or difficulty to the writing process.

My writing process is a mix of research, personal experiences, washing the dishes, raising kids while thinking - then writing.

Well, everything surprises me about the writing process because illustrating comes much more naturally to me than writing does.

It's not writing in the traditional sense, but I've always said that the writing process continues on the set and even into the editing room.

Our writing, especially during 'Boxer' - the recording process was the writing process, which is not the way I would advise anyone else to do it.

I was fascinated with the writing process and seeing the evolution of a sketch and how it would change up to the minute before it went on the air.

My writing process is very organic. I start with an idea. I have the general story arc and the cast. But then I sit down to write, and things change.

I'd love to do another television series. I really love the writing process, and as an actor I really like how much you get to examine in television.

Of course, when you're making a documentary, you don't have actors, but nonetheless, there is a writing process that does take place in the editing room.

When I started my writing process for 'Empty Bank,' everything had to do with money. It was at a time in my life where I started to see money differently.

I try to not be self-conscious in my writing process. I think it's important to just be in your subconscious mind - at least when you're starting an idea.

My actual writing process? I have to just love the beat before I even write on it. I can't force myself to write to a beat that I'm not immediately loving.

By the end of the writing process, which is about 80 songs per album, I look at the material and think, what's going to make a difference in someone's life.

If we were truly in the studio making a record, it would have been more time consuming, and certainly I would have been more involved in the writing process.

You have to relax, write what you write. It sounds easy but it's really, really hard. One of the things it took me longest to learn was to trust the writing process.

With traditional school visits, I also get to speak with people who haven't read my books and talk about my writing process as well as the serious aspects I write about.

'Firepower' is the eighteenth full-length studio album for Judas Priest. That's a lot of metal songs over the decades, and the writing process is always the same, really.

I like the story writing process. I usually use someone who has been trained for structure to take the story that I actually want, place those elements in the right places.

The writing process for us is different with every song. Sometimes they come from our lives, or someone else we know may be going through something that we choose to write about.

When I am working on an epic-length book, the writing process is fairly long. It takes from four to five years to get through all the drafts. The book is done when I am exhausted.

I really don't use that much stuff. I think it's good to know a few pieces of equipment very well, rather than learn new ones every time. I think it distracts from the writing process.

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