I feel like I've been a Yankee my whole life.

I feel like I owe the Yankee fan base my A-game.

I made the Yankee hat more famous than a Yankee can.

Yankee Stadium is a mistake: Not mine - the Giants'.

I'd like to thank the good Lord for making me a Yankee.

My office is at Yankee stadium. Yes, dreams do come true.

I could never wear another uniform. I will forever be a Yankee.

Most guys who don't like me are either Democrats or Yankee fans.

If I wanted to win all my fights, I would be a Yankee fan. I'm a Cub fan.

I'm happy to be with this organization, and I hope to retire as a Yankee.

I love being a Yankee, and it's hard not to. It's a special place to play.

I know only two tunes: one of them is 'Yankee Doodle', and the other isn't.

Yankee Stadium was the only thing we had in the Bronx. It was an institution.

Nothing is worse than a Yankee telling a Southerner that his monuments don't matter.

I may not have been the best Yankee to put on the pinstripes, but I am the proudest.

I was always the shame of the family - the one Yankee who was actually born in the North.

To play 18 years in Yankee Stadium is the best thing that could ever happen to a ballplayer.

I kind of wish I would have been able to see the old Yankee Stadium after seeing the new one.

Here's the thing: I had never been to Boston, my whole life. Probably because I'm a Yankee fan.

Babe Ruth made a baseball fan of me. I used to go to Yankee Stadium just to see him come to bat.

My heroes, my dreams, and my future lay in Yankee Stadium. And they can't take that away from me.

You know it as soon as you walk in Yankee Stadium. The electricity is there every time, every day.

You look at all the great players that they've had and the potential of playing in Yankee Stadium.

All literary men are Red Sox fans - to be a Yankee fan in a literate society is to endanger your life.

Two things I really wanted to be: a stand-up comic or a New York Yankee - or a really funny New York Yankee.

Yankee Stadium, and the Yankees are so famous for Mickey Mantle, Joe DiMaggio, Lou Gehrig, all of those guys.

Derek Jeter always felt like New York: the good-looking single guy for all those years. He felt like a Yankee.

I can't be the Mayor of L.A. I hate the Dodgers. I'm a Yankee fan. Yankee fans can't ever root for the Dodgers.

I converted to Catholicism at age 35, after being raised as a Congregationalist in a New England Yankee family.

When I was 15 years old, I used to actually dream I was pitching in Yankee Stadium. Bill Dickey was my catcher.

They said Babe Ruth built Yankee Stadium and Bruno Sammartino built the Garden. It always was my favorite place.

Yankee Stadium played host to the most important prizefight ever when Joe Louis knocked out Max Schmeling in 1938.

Can we achieve 140 mpg fuel economy? You bet. Just get the bureaucrats out of the way, and Yankee ingenuity will do the rest.

I've been called a lot of things. But never, and I mean never, could anyone ever make the mistake of calling me a Yankee fan.

George H. W. Bush may be a World War II hero and New England Yankee blue blood, but he has the tear ducts of a Sicilian grandmother.

Daddy Yankee and I have some of the same fans, but he reaches people I don't reach. The same thing with Ozuna and Balvin and Karol G.

The thing that means the most to me is being remembered as a Yankee, because that's what I've always wanted to be, was to be a Yankee.

I'm not just selling out Yankee Stadium; I'm selling out stadiums in Mexico, in Argentina - with my bachata. I try to stay true to what I do.

My kid was a great baseball player. I thought I had it made. Front-row seats at Yankee Stadium. Then he turned sixteen and wanted to be a rapper.

I've never been an actor on Broadway, but it feels like you're on a stage when you play at Yankee Stadium. And that's the feeling I've always had.

In the building I live in on Park Avenue there are ten people who could buy the Yankees, but none of them could hit the ball out of Yankee Stadium.

I was a Yankee fan until 1981. That was the year the Yankees were two up on the Dodgers and lost four straight. And George Steinbrenner apologized to the city.

I've always been a daydreamer. When the other kids were playing, I was listening to the roar at Yankee Stadium - I was always attracted to the roar of the crowd.

I am the living death, a Memorial Day on wheels. I am your Yankee Doodle Dandy, your John Wayne come home, your Fourth of July firecracker exploding in the grave.

Jeter was no choir boy, Jeter has lived a life. But it's always stayed separate from what happened when he showed up at Yankee Stadium. And that's really to his credit.

I'm a guy that roots for the home team. Daddy Yankee and Luis Fonsi, those are my guys. As far as I'm concerned, they won. They broke into every market with 'Despacito.'

Even though I was never a Yankee fan until I put on the uniform, when you think about the deep history of this organization, you always knew what the Yankees represented.

One of my biggest gifts ever, my mother made a Yankee uniform for me as a little boy, and I wore it to bed dreaming I could pitch in the major leagues and then be a Yankee.

To pitch a perfect game wearing pinstripes at Yankee Stadium, it's unbelievable. Growing up a Yankee fan, to come out here and make history, it really is a dream come true.

We don't know who John Brown was, and in many ways, his work shaped where we are today. He was a Pennsylvanian. He was the prototypical Yankee who fought back and suffered in doing so.

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