Yoga is mind wave quieting.

Happiness is an inside job.

Let no one steal your peace.

My workout is my meditation.

I try to do yoga once a week.

I am an Indian, so I do yoga.

I need yoga every single day.

Sleep is the best meditation.

Truth is one, paths are many.

Laughter drives shouting away.

The right way is the hard way.

Meditation results in marvels.

Yoga is the cessation of mind.

Yoga makes me feel really sexy.

Things don't change. We change.

No yoga. I can barely sit down.

Eternity does nothing but give.

The essence of love is concern.

I fell in love with doing yoga.

I only know one yoga: 'You Go.'

The best fighter is never angry.

I never miss yoga before a show.

Cheer up, things will get worse.

Innocence is the source of love.

You have to find your own tricks!

Body is not stiff, mind is stiff.

The attention is to be kept pure.

Wisdom comes only with innocence.

I love exercise. I hike, do yoga.

I also do a lot of Kundalini yoga.

Environment is stronger than will.

Let your speech be true and sweet.

I do prenatal yoga and walk a lot.

Our intention creates our reality.

Do your practice and all is coming.

Yoga is 99% practice and 1% theory.

Don't believe everything you think.

Yoga is your mind control capacity.

The difficult opponent is the best.

Fall with awareness and acceptance.

If they love another, let them love!

Music and yoga have a great synergy.

The study of yoga makes me inspired.

There is no one to realize the Self.

If yoga didn't exist, I'd invent it.

Selfless giving is the art of living.

Yoga is an art and science of living.

Kirshna's message is eternal - fight!

Yoga is the art and science of living.

Yoga is a gift that you give yourself.

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