Do not let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace.

Peace is our very nature, and yoga leads you to inner peace.

Sahaja Yoga is like a tree which requires love as the water.

When you become thoughtless, then you can see, feel Reality.

Yoga is both the movement toward and the arrival at a point.

Bikram Yoga will give you 'The Key to the Kingdom of Health'

It is because people exist in varyinig degrees of the dream.

...if I don't look after my body, I'll have nowhere to live.

Yoga changed my life. Hopefully, it will do that for others.

The illusion of selfhood, ego, a separate identity is false.

Whatever you do in life, yoga shows you how to do it better.

You seek too much information and not enough transformation.

Spirit is the only truth within us, the rest is all untruth.

Giving to others is the greatest gift you can give yourself.

Yoga is a way of life; it is an art, a science, a philosophy.

Without love, without humor, yoga is just a lot of hard work.

I used to get nervous so I took up Yoga to help me calm down.

Once we harness ourselves to love, it carries us to eternity.

Always half an hour a day where it's just me and my yoga mat.

Meditating together is the best way to feel the collectivity.

The yoga pose helps me to calm down and focus when I need to.

The heart is the hub of all sacred places. Go there and roam.

The aim of yoga is to calm the chaos of conflicting impulses.

Spirituality is a boundless ability to respond and experience.

If you can reduce the power of reaction, you rise much higher.

All I want to do is yoga and hike, and smoke weed. It's funny.

No matter which way you turn ... there's nothing but illuison.

Live in the present, forget the past. Give up hopes of future.

The asanas that happen in yoga... namaz also has those kriyas.

We have never arrived. We are in a constant state of becoming.

Let the skin be like water, let the flesh hang from the bones.

The first step towards knowing is to see that you do not know.

Love is, in its essence, a free, formless strand of luminosity.

Yoga doesn't want to change you - it wants to take care of you.

Ask youself: "Am I loving as deeply as I am capable of loving?"

If your compassion does not include yourself, it is incomplete.

Every time you have a chance, go within and do your meditation.

Yoga does things with the human body that defy the imagination.

After a session of yoga, the mind becomes tranquil and passive.

Do yoga in order to know what to do when you're not doing yoga.

If you want to know the reality, you have to become the spirit.

"The dream is real but it does not last" - This is an illusion.

Sometimes you think you are 100% right, but you are 100% wrong!

Meditation means to go beyond the limitations of body and mind.

I do hot boot camp, play tennis and do yoga three times a week.

Yoga is when every cell of the body sings the song of the soul.

The short way to happiness is through kindness and sensitivity.

I hate yoga so much. Like, if yoga was a person, I'd stab them.

Beyond matter is spirit and in spirit there is nothing but love.

I do yoga. I've been doing yoga for over 20 years and I love it.

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