What you guys want, I'm for.

This millennial generation... you guys seem so entitled.

When you guys are sleeping at night, I am out there working.

I hope each week I grow and impress you guys and make you happy.

That's the compliment I get most often - 'You guys are so honest.'

If I'm scared and I'm a coward, why do you guys want to see me fight?

People seriously ask us all the time, 'Are you guys really brothers?'

Straight up, I'm from Waldorf, Maryland, you guys. Let's not forget that.

I love it when women are like, 'You guys sound like me and my best friend!'

You know when you meet someone if you guys are going to get along, usually.

I don't know what you guys say, but at home, life is way different from baseball.

If you guys are interested in getting any kind of animal, definitely go and adopt.

Some of you guys are going to boo, but I'm going to say it anyway. I don't like dogs.

All you guys out there that ever got bullied, I'm the guy that's going to help you guys.

The key to staying together is making sure you guys like each other and need each other.

If you guys are going to be throwing beer bottles at us, at least make sure they're full.

You guys might not know who Yves Edwards is, if you don't, shame on you, go do some research.

You guys ask really long questions. In the U.S., they just want to know who you're sleeping with.

I'm a pretty mellow guy, but I've got a fire burning inside, but you guys will probably never see that.

I don't think we've ever been in an interview where someone hasn't asked, 'How did you guys get together?'

I know a lot of people try and set expectations for me. No offense to you guys, but I set my own expectations.

You guys are both saying the same thing. The only reason you're arguing is because you're using different words.

Chemistry's a word that people who make hires and decisions say, 'Hey, you guys go out and work on your chemistry!'

When you go to set, they just go, 'OK, let's see what you guys do!' The camera moves around what you initially feel.

I walked two hours to an audition once and was so sweaty that someone said, 'Oh, you guys from New Zealand don't shower.'

I love 'Latina'! You guys have always been so supportive of me and my career. Now I have my family, and it's just awesome.

I wasn't getting a lot of game-time at Liverpool, you guys could see that. I was just playing cup games and stuff like that.

It's not that other countries steal jobs from you guys. It's your strategy. Distribute the money and things in a proper way.

I'm trying to show people that I'm a person, and I deal with the same things as you guys, and I'm trying to make the best of it.

I've found the world's most versatile word - 'cheeky.' The amount of ways you guys can use the word 'cheeky' is quite impressive.

Now I know why guys like to hug girls. You guys just want to cop a feel. I can't believe that I've fallen for it all these years!

Some of the most provocative TV that I'm inspired by is in the U.K. You guys take it for granted, but in America, we can't do it.

A guy friend and I went to California Pizza Kitchen, and a group of pretty girls came over to us and said, 'You guys are gay, right?'

On my Superwoman channel, I am more of a performer, I am aiming to make you guys laugh. With vlogs, it's just me and my day, boring or fun.

If a teacher goes, 'Do you guys want an easy test?' You're going to say, 'Heck, yeah.' The less you've got to study, I'm going ace this test.

My mother always has embedded in us that you guys rock in different ways, and to be able to celebrate that with each other is just beautiful.

When a group of ultra-opinionated, uber-creative romance authors get together, I'm sure you guys can imagine how fast the ideas start flying!

I'm always calling my family and I'm like, 'I can't wait to pay you guys back.' They have been my true supporters since I was eight years old.

People ask me about if, being a Republican, you guys want to cut everything and stop everything and not help people. I find that patently false.

You guys own the Muppets, and you're just kind of sitting on 'em. I really love the Muppets, and I think I know how to bring the franchise back.

I'm very proud to tell you guys I have been accepted into Stanford University, one of the main institutions of learning and research in the world.

I'd like to say to all my fans out there, thanks for the support. And to all my doubters, thank you very much because you guys have also pushed me.

I hope all the kids out there who don't like listening to their mothers, who yell and scream at them, that moms are always right just so you guys know.

You guys know the way I play. And what's so ironic is, KG is the same way. I'm looking at him in practice and going, 'Wow, I'm always that guy,' you know?

I think every child actor has that moment where they're like, 'OK, I'm not the same person that I was, and you guys need to see me as something different.'

I interned at 'Hamptons' magazine. I was 12. I walked around with a pad and was like, 'What do you guys want for lunch?' to all the people who worked there.

Shane McMahon did his own mo-cap. Did you guys know that? He went and did his own mo-cap. He didn't want somebody doing his moves. Shane did his own mo-cap.

People always ask us, 'When are you guys gonna do a movie? When are you gonna do a TV show?' And to me, that feels like such a step backwards from where are.

Imogen Heap - she was in the baggage claim at the airport and was like, 'You're from Pentatonix, right?' She's like, I love you guys! I'm like, that's awesome.

I've had experiences where people say, 'I hated jazz before I heard you guys!' I'm like, 'You didn't hate jazz before you heard us; you hated the idea of jazz.'

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