I have a younger brother.

The younger brother hath the more wit.

As a younger brother, you look up to your sister.

I am the middle child with an older and younger brother.

I grew up with a younger brother, so I can get pretty rowdy.

I do feel sorry for my younger brother, he used to field a lot.

My younger sister and younger brother are huge 'Teen Witch' fans.

My younger brother ended up the British chess champion 10 times, a record.

The African is my brother but he is my younger brother by several centuries.

My younger brother is a decorated combat veteran and was a platoon leader in Iraq.

I have a younger brother, who's a year younger than me and we are thick as thieves.

I had an older brother who passed away recently, an older sister and a younger brother.

I always loved music - it was always in the house - and my younger brother is musical, too.

As the younger brother, I think you always have crushes on your older brother's girlfriends.

I've got one younger brother who can do prison like his breakfast, but I'm not built for it.

I have my writing and acting and producing and directing, and my younger brother has his music and his acting.

I come from a family of educationists and both my parents as well as my younger brother and his wife are teachers.

I dropped out of school after my tenth standard. But both my elder brother and younger brother are highly educated.

I've got two brothers. One's older - the artist - and then my younger brother is an ecological economist - a farmer.

I have always been a mother. When I was kid, I mothered my younger brother. I mothered my parents and even my boyfriends.

My younger brother will remember that he received a transistor radio for Christmas. I took it apart and it never worked again.

Daniel, my big brother, is eight years older. I'm lucky he didn't mind hanging out with his little sister and my younger brother.

People say, 'Well, you're not Pau's little brother anymore.' I'm always going to be Pau's younger brother and Adria's older brother.

I have three siblings. My sister makes music. My older brother is a classical conductor, and my younger brother is a mixing engineer.

When you're the younger brother, usually it's not that common that you're having these experiences that your older brother is in awe of.

I have a disgracefully sweet tooth. My younger brother and I, all we care about are puddings. You can keep your smoked salmon and caviar.

I have two brothers that are musicians. My older brother, Yuval, is a saxophone player. My younger brother, Avishai, is a trumpet player.

My younger brother and I have been writing together, mainly for fun, for years, but we've been improvising together since we were kids. Literally.

The short story is still like the novel's wayward younger brother, we know that it's not respectable - but I think that can also add to the glory of it.

I grew up with a sister and a younger brother in a house where every evening was spent performing a dance routine in front of our parents with my sister.

My dad was a fiercely funny guy, and he and his brother would get on runs. So my younger brother and I were basically mimicking them when we started goofing off.

My younger brother runs a guesthouse, and my sister is a janitor. I have not given them money because they earn their own money. I pay for their children's school fees.

Donald saw his younger brother Robert as weaker and therefore enjoyed tormenting him. He repeatedly hid Robert's favorite toys, pretending he had no idea where they were.

It's not like a boss and artist relationship; it's like a big brother to a younger brother relationship, and he's a great guy. So big shout-out to Akon and the Konvict Muzik crowd.

The only day I remember of my parents' marriage was the day my dad walked out. As I stood there at five years old, with my older sister and younger brother, I knew that he was gone.

My younger brother Avishai was my first influence. He picked up the trumpet, and I listened to him. The way he played - with the half valves and the smears - made me want to play like him.

When the head of the Hyundai Motor Company, Chung Mong-koo, was fighting with his younger brother Chung Mong-hun over the company's management, he is said to have consulted a fortune-teller.

I'm the daughter of two Indian immigrant doctors, and I have an older sister and younger brother, and none of us have pursued medicine as a career. We're all over the artistic side of things.

I got to play with my older brother in high school and college, and I played with my younger brother in high school and college, so I kind of get to do everything, so it was really pretty sweet.

I went to school like everyone else, but I hated it, and I always had a lot of problems. Even my younger brother Guglielmo is the same way: we can't stay cooped up in a room for hours, listening.

We went to church twice a week. My parents were employed in ministry; we prayed before dinner. We rollerbladed in the summer. We were allowed to watch the 'Simpsons.' I fought with my younger brother over Legos.

'Greek' is basically a show about sororities and fraternities. It follows Casey Cartwright, played by me, her younger brother, and all the people that are involved in their lives from the different fraternities.

Naturally, when you're a younger brother with two older brothers, I mean, they're going to beat on you, and they're going to make you... you're going to grow up differently. You're going to turn into a little animal.

In 'Batman Beyond,' Terry McGinnis has the responsibility of protecting Gotham City, as well as maintaining a home and social life. He's also got a single mom and a pesky younger brother, which young kids will relate to.

Basically, at some point, one day maybe you can expect to hear some of my music. I haven't really done that yet because my younger brother is a musician and really talented and I want him to come out with his music first.

I have three brothers and a sister. One older and three younger. My oldest brother Danny plays Hyde on 'That '70s Show,' and my younger brother Jordan and my sister Allanah act as well, so we're a bit of an acting family.

I started karate in middle school when my parents wanted me to babysit my younger brother. He was a little troublemaker, so they wanted me to make sure the class was going okay. I ended up being way more into it than my brother.

There's an Inuit myth about the origin of the human race. There were two brothers, and the younger brother eventually gets changed into a woman. And that's how humans reproduced. And I thought, 'How could I really understand that?'

I've know Justin since I was a child. I went to school with his younger brother Michel, who died in the Avalanche. But Justin and I are four years apart - when you're 12 and 16, it's worlds away. I always thought he was handsome though.

I am very proud to have the strongest brother in the world. We helped each other. I want to say thank you very much, brother, for everything what you did for me and your support. Younger brother, I'm more than sure you will also be here.

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