Never sell your soul.

Anger destroys your soul.

Let your soul be your pilot.

The body distracts your soul.

To conform is to lose your soul

Swimming always cleans your soul

Possess your soul with patience.

Forge in the smithy of your soul.

Dismiss whatever insults your soul.

How much did you get for your soul?

Responsibility is good for your soul

What's in your soul is in your soul.

Better lose your life than your soul.

Dance to the light that is your soul.

Nothing's boring if it's in your soul.

Your soul was like a network of spittle.

You can’t change the music of your soul.

You may sell your work, but not your soul.

Nothing short of God can satisfy your soul.

You wouldn't put your soul in a dishwasher!

Your soul suffers if you live superficially.

The road to your soul is through your heart.

To me, food is a representation of your soul.

Do the work that feeds your soul, not your ego.

All music is good music, if it touches your soul.

If nature is your teacher, your soul will awaken.

How can you hear your soul if everyone is talking?

Who will save your soul, if you won’t save your own?

Say to your soul, 'Let no unclean thing enter here.'

All the money you made will never buy back your soul.

"So you have your price."... "Your soul for a cookie."

How you dress on the outside, it represents your soul.

Your soul isn't in your body; your body is in your soul!

Nothing like the road to rub all the sand out of your soul.

Are you gonna follow your soul? Or just the style of the day?

You must not let hatred destroy you. You will lose your soul.

Find your soul and you'll live. Lose your soul and you'll die.

There's plenty of money to be had. But you also lose your soul.

Are you searching for your soul? Then come out of your own prison.

You see what kills your body but you don't see what kills your soul.

When you hear a word from God it resonates in the pillars of your soul.

Your soul existed before your birth, your soul will exist after your death.

Give yourself entirely to God, enter and hide in the hidden ground of your soul.

Your soul either feels lifted by something that you read, or it feels squashed by it.

Though thou has never so many counselors, yet do not forsake the counsel of your soul.

If you could leave your selfishness, you would see how you've been torturing your soul.

Beauty is that which attracts your soul, and that which loves to give and not to receive.

Focus on something that stirs your soul, it's hard to excel at anything that you don't love.

Make sure you stay in touch with beauty instead of letting the ugliness of the world corrupt your soul

When you understand that you are your soul, then you will experience Life as an expression of the soul.

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