I am human because I belong, I participate, I share.

You are not an afterthought, you are not an accident.

We are fundamentally good, and evil is an aberration.

God has been incredible in creating us to be persons.

There is no justice in killing in the name of justice.

When you nurse a grudge it is not good for your health.

The truth of who we are is that we are because we belong.

Human beings have a vested interest in being trustworthy.

We seek a restorative justice, not a retributive justice.

We inhabit a universe that is characterized by diversity.

There is only one way to eat an elephant, a bite at a time.

Human beings can be awful, but they can also be tremendous.

You don't have to be smart or anything. The fire warms you.

Many people would be surprised that, in fact, I'm quite shy.

Does taking the life of the perpetrator return your mom? No.

People will use their religion to justify virtually anything.

People united in pursuit of a righteous cause are unstoppable

A person is a person because he recognizes others as persons.

Be nice to whites, they need you to rediscover their humanity.

We are made by God, we are made like God, we are made for God.

No peace is impossible when people are determined to achieve it

Gaza is going to test who believes in the worth of human beings.

If God, as they say, is homophobic, I wouldn’t worship that God.

We must not allow ourselves to become like the system we oppose.

It's a blessing that South Africa has a man like Nelson Mandela.

We will only truly be free when those in bondage are finally free

To take a life when a life has been lost is revenge, not justice.

Our lives are a response to a love that we already have received.

Be nice to the whites, they need you to rediscover their humanity.

Forgiving is a gift to the forgiver as well as to the perpetrator.

I think that most of us would prefer to be popular than unpopular.

There are people who go to bed hungry, and that is unconscionable.

Forgiveness is an absolute necessity for continued human existence.

God says, 'You know what? I don't have anybody else... except you.'

If we succeed in empowering girls, we'll succeed in everything else.

Once lost, trust can only be regained if we are as good as our word.

Dear Child of God, I am sorry to say that suffering is not optional.

My humanity is bound up in yours, for we can only be human together.

We can be human only together. A person is a person to other persons.

But God can only smile because only God can know what is coming next.

I think we have got to put fire under the feet of all kinds of people.

That so called "original sin" does not know any racial discrimination.

I am a leader by default, only because nature does not allow a vacuum.

Forgiveness says you are given another chance to make a new beginning.

The devastation wreaked by landmines is not only horrendous but immoral

[Pope Francis ] is taken a selfie!He's a tremendous breath of fresh air.

Resentment and anger are bad for your blood pressure and your digestion.

All of our humanity is dependent upon recognizing the humanity in others

There are levels of poverty in South Africa that are totally unacceptable.

We pray that Aung San Suu Kyi and her country are now on a path to freedom

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