The right way is not always the popular and easy way. Standing for ...

The right way is not always the popular and easy way. Standing for right when it is unpopular is a true test of moral character.

I have popular support.

Obamacare is not popular.

Everything popular is wrong.

I was very popular in high school.

I'm not trendy and I'm not popular.

Compassion is not a popular virtue.

What is right is not always popular.

A President cannot always be popular.

Popular applause veers with the wind.

It's dangerous to be anybody popular.

Popular music sucks so bad right now.

My clothes are very popular in Japan.

Nothing I do is done by popular demand.

Gossip is more popular than literature.

Whatever is popular deserves attention.

I wasn't the most popular kid in school.

I was not the hot, popular girl in school.

'Humsafar' was the show that made me popular.

Originally, 'Popular' was going to be a movie.

My men's-underwear print ads are very popular!

Having a set, popular formula does inhibit you.

I can't do something just because it's popular.

Popular music formed the soundtrack of my life.

I wasn't popular in high school; I had no friends.

That knowledge which is popular is not scientific.

Stalin is the most popular figure in all of Russia.

The most popular labor-saving device is still money.

I'm interested in youth culture and popular culture.

I wasn't the most popular girl in school by any means.

Hong Kong movies were really popular in my generation.

The world's most famous and popular language is music.

My kids are now the most popular kids in their school.

I act on my principles, whether they're popular or not.

The way I see it, all the popular singers are strippers.

Jerry and I hoped that it would be a popular bestseller.

Popular music has always had its really horrendous stuff.

Some of these pro-drug messages come from popular culture.

Being popular isn't everything; being true to yourself is!

I don't use the twang bar anymore. It's become too popular.

I never felt popular as a child and never had best friends.

While he was president, it was popular to be a Nixon hater.

If Barbie is so popular, why do you have to buy her friends?

The more things are forbidden, the more popular they become.

I am not popular socially. I am uncomfortable around people.

If I'm so popular, why did they replace me with Tommy Thayer?

Contrary to popular belief, Americans don't hate advertising.

I don't think any artist really knows why a song gets popular.

We have to say what we believe... whether it's popular or not.

I was a pretty popular kid, and I participated in every sport.

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