Humor is my default mode.

My default state is wariness.

Women are feminist by default.

Pessimism is my default setting.

Ephemeral should be the default.

Writing about food is my default.

Portability should be the default.

Patriots don't let their nation default.

Argentina is in a virtual, hidden default.

Whiteness is not the default in my fiction.

I do not want America to default on its debt.

You don't become an effective leader by default.

We either live with intention or exist by default.

Life either happens by design or default, you choose.

In a concurrent world, imperative is the wrong default!

No one wants a default, or to slam the door in the IMF's face.

I have a home in Orlando. That's kind of my default 'getaway' city.

We also get thousands of suggestions. The default answer is always no.

I am a leader by default, only because nature does not allow a vacuum.

Anyone who wants to run has to be a Jimmy Swaggart, minus the default.

I don't know of any of us that want to see any kind of default happen.

Not raising the debt ceiling is not an automatic trigger for a default.

There's no time, place, or purpose of a government shutdown or default.

We rarely have good alternatives to offer to prison - that's our default.

The thing I always default to is that I'll always be here to write songs.

You won't rise to the occasion - you'll default to your level of training.

User-controlled default encryption is a real challenge for law enforcement.

Nick looked vaguely homicidal, but that was sort of his default expression.

Freedom and liberty lose out by default because good people are not vigilant.

There's no possibility that Argentina will fall into default if I'm president.

The fact I've been in every lineup of Yes has been more by default than design.

We've never been anti-permanence. We just belief deletion should be the default.

To describe my scarce leisure time in today's terms, I always default to reading.

I've been called the journeyman. It's really more by default than it is by design.

I'm no longer in my 20s, and I think, by default, the rose-colored glasses are off.

My decision to be a scientist was a bit of a drift really, more or less by default.

My default is self-destruction, and anything on top of that is a bloody lot of work.

Happiness is the default state of mind, lets reconfigure to reach the default state !

I felt deeply tricked. Stunned. And furious. I also felt my default emotion: numbness.

I do old man things by default, just stay in the hotel room, eat oatmeal, and drink tea.

If you have a character named Captain America, he is, by default, a political character.

My face frowns by default, so when I'm most calm is when I appear the least approachable.

There's no default. Each emotional experience elicits a different, possibly new response.

I think that the default for collecting any kind of personal data should be opt-in consent.

Greece could default on its debts and even exit currency bloc if it cannot deliver reforms.

If you don't decide what your life is about, it defaults to what you spend your days doing.

A good default, like Portugal or Greece, would be very good for the private equity business.

Make pumpkin bread as the default gift for everyone. It is cheap, it is beloved, it is carbs.

The U.K.'s debt belongs legally to Westminster, so Scotland, by definition, can't default on it.

If you default on an unsecured debt, you won't lose anything (except points on your credit score).

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