I'm as hungry as ever.

A hungry dog hunts best.

I'm hungry and ambitious.

I am hungry for good work.

Stay hungry, stay foolish.

I've always stayed hungry.

Hungry ears are sharp ones.

babies ain't cute / hungry.

To be hungry must be awful.

Hungry bellies have no cars.

A hungry man is an angry one.

A hungry stomach cannot hear.

A hungry mob is an angry mob.

I'm always hungry for people.

I'm hungry. I'm ready to grow.

Being awesome makes me hungry.

A hungry man is not a free man.

Everybody's got a hungry heart.

I left home because I was hungry.

I know how it feels to go hungry.

Hungry wailing standeth not aloof.

I am very, very hungry to compete.

Musicians are hungry for new music.

Tragedies come in the hungry hours.

Artists are supposed to stay hungry.

The young people are hungry for God.

It's an awful feeling, being hungry.

Fans are hungry for original artwork.

If I get hungry, I get cranky on air.

I'm so greedy, I'm hungry, I'm young.

I'm not picky. When I'm hungry, I eat.

I think everyone's hungry for the truth

For always roaming with a hungry heart.

I keep eating for fear I will be hungry.

You cannot feed the hungry on statistics.

Did you get hungry and eat my colleagues?

When I'm hungry, I need to eat right away.

A lion runs the fastest when he is hungry.

The hungry sheep look up, and are not fed.

Nobody wants to kiss when they are hungry.

Hungry people have especially clear minds.

I'm always hungry. I can be better always.

I am hungry, feed me; I am bored, amuse me.

If we remain humble and hungry, we can win.

When you're hungry, everything tastes good.

I am hungry at the most inappropriate times.

I'm not a foodie - I'm an eater: I'm hungry.

We have nine hungry Rottweilers on the farm.

I was always taught to be hungry and humble.

While women weep, as they do now, I'll fight.

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