My bedroom's like an armoury.

I saw Jesus walk into my bedroom.

I have three closets in my bedroom.

My happy place is my bedroom. I love it.

Bosoms are for bedrooms and breastfeeding.

how peaceful a bedroom is without a man in it.

Radical conservatives want to police bedrooms.

The state has no place in the nation's bedrooms.

Growing up, I always wanted a bedroom of my own.

I had collages in my bedroom when I was a teenager.

Of all the rooms in the house your bedroom is yours

I am heat obsessed. I crave the heat in my bedroom.

But even the law cannot be in your bedroom at night.

where the bedroom is wrong the whole house is wrong.

the only door into her bedroom led through the church.

If you're gonna fall apart, do it in your own bedroom.

The state has no business in the bedrooms of the nation.

Don't think about work in your bedroom or relaxation area.

A bedroom is just as nice as whoever sleeps in it with you.

This is the only naked man that will ever be in my bedroom.

Women belong in the bedroom and the kitchen, in that order.

It's okay to laugh in the bedroom so long as you don't point

Don't use your bedroom for work, unless you're a prostitute.

It's okay to laugh in the bedroom so long as you don't point.

'Love Story' I wrote on my bedroom floor in about 20 minutes.

I am taking the applause sign home, putting it in the bedroom.

It is not I who have been consigned to the bedroom of history.

The sole purpose of the bedroom is to melt away any stressors.

I'm still a kid in his bedroom, writing songs and playing them.

I started making beats when I was nine in my bedroom and garage.

I would hole up in my bedroom growing up and teach myself guitar.

My dog learned how to beg by watching me through the bedroom door.

I have a rotten habit of picturing the bedroom scenes of my friends.

I'll be in my bedroom, making no noise and pretending I'm not there.

I was just making music in my bedroom. I never wanted to be onstage.

I have enough music coming out of my kids' bedrooms when I'm at home.

Certainly one cannot ban cross burning in the sanctity of his bedroom.

I seriously object to seeing on the screen what belongs in the bedroom.

I'm gonna do the whole bedroom in camel color - it's an old lady color.

The only one who gets to canoodle in my bedroom is my magnificent self.

It's not government's business what people do in their private bedrooms.

Writing by myself in my bedroom is definitely where I feel most creative.

We had a one bedroom, one bathroom, one closet apartment with four girls.

I've never gone to the bedroom when I was starting out and practiced away.

I probably write best in my office, which is an extra bedroom in my house.

Real intimacy depends on truth - lovingly told - especially in the bedroom.

Nothing was happening in the bedroom. I nicknamed our waterbed the Dead Sea.

I'm still like an excited kid playing guitar in front of the bedroom mirror.

I went to the bedroom and lay on the floor, so as not to mess up the covers.

The spirit of the marriage left the bedroom and took to living in the parlor.

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