Writing plays fast and loose with the past.

You can have fun and do well. Just let loose a bit.

It is the loose ends with which men hang themselves.

All our words from loose using have lost their edge.

To enjoy being famous, you need to have a screw loose.

I've got to get on myself to be sharp, funny and loose.

The people are grown very wild and loose in their morals.

I am a dangerous man when turned loose with a typewriter.

I write novellas because I don't like loose sprawling prose.

All loose things seem to drift down to the sea, and so did I.

I prefer being penetrated by iron to seeing Palestine is loose.

The ideal attitude is to be physically loose and mentally tight.

Shakti' is a very loose adaptation of 'Not Without My Daughter.'

If you want people to be let loose, you can't over-control them.

Twitter gives you a forum to let loose a little bit and have fun.

I'm a bit of a loose cannon, but it keeps everyone on their toes!

I'm going to be the one guy diving on the ground for loose balls.

I think Billie is the kind of girl who would let her hips swing loose.

If Bronze Bomber got loose in the streets, it won't be something nice.

We've had no problems with the actors, but we keep a really loose set.

Our biggest thing in the locker room is to just have fun and stay loose.

I've developed an audience over the years and I don't want to loose them.

You have to be like a clock spring, wound but not loose at the same time.

I was a shy kid up until the sixth grade, and then I started to let loose.

The FBI is not in the habit of leaving loose ends. That's not what they do.

Anybody who doesn't know that politics is crime has got a few screws loose.

I want to get in there and jump in the stands and dive for every loose ball.

Tip the world over on its side and everything loose will land in Los Angeles.

I'm getting my confidence and momentum, and I'm playing free and playing loose.

Let's just say I haven't been keeping up the Gary Barlow persona; I've let loose.

I admire Jodie Foster. Her head is screwed on really well. It's not loose at all.

Comedy is incredibly hard. You have to be loose. You have to be not afraid to fail.

A rattlesnake loose in the living room tends to end all discussion of animal rights.

I've always been working with my rehab people, just to keep my body loose and fluid.

I strongly prefer to keep my hair loose and wavy, leaving it as natural as possible.

To be a stunt person you kind of have to have a screw loose like you do in wrestling.

Having fun is definitely how you're going to keep yourself loose, and be at your best.

Just the ritual of feeling the grip in my fingers and making loose swings is relaxing.

I think it's great to grow up in a small town because you're just dying to break loose.

I crave to be able to photograph the way a painter paints - in a loose, expressive way.

We do a lot of different workouts, like hot yoga, to stay flexible, loose, and healthy.

The trails in South Africa are completely different to Europe: dusty and loose surface.

There's this idea that if you take your clothes off, somehow you must have loose morals.

I was in school for a little bit at Rutgers for political science, but it was very loose.

What is cooking? 'Cooking' is a loose term. It's understanding energy or the lack thereof.

Life is an overwhelming bundle of loose threads. The ones you can hang on to are precious.

I won't train on the day of the fight but I'll stretch, stay loose, and then I'll meditate.

They put me on television. And the whole thing broke loose. It was wild, I tell ya for sure.

From the world of darkness I did loose demons and devils in the power of scorpions to torment.

Everyone has the notion that hip-hop is messy and loose, but there's also another level to it.

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