I'm kind of a distractible guy.

Fear and hope are alike underneath.

Some idiotic things are well worth doing.

I didn't read a serious book until I was 19.

I don't have a very logical and orderly mind.

The pace of life feels morally dangerous to me.

Tweet, tweet, you're alive, you ignorant asshole.

She was an artist. She held opposites in her mind.

Most things don't stay the way they are very long.

To write you had to read so I backed into reading.

If you lose all hope, you can always find it again.

If loneliness is the disease, the story is the cure.

Your father has to die, better he dies in your arms.

You're only good if you can do bad and decide not to.

Reading is probably what leads most writers to writing.

I get very involved in the internal logic of sentences.

You can't always go to the well and have things be funny.

With imagination, you can put something where nothing was.

At heart, of course, a story itself is consolation's instrument.

Someone ... tell us what's important, because we no longer know.

That said, being dyslexic, I wasn't a great reader when I was kid.

Love isn’t a thing, after all, but an endless series of single acts.

When I write a novel I start each morning by reading for 20 minutes.

When people realize they are being listened to, they tell you things.

Cynicism makes you feel smart, I know it, even when you aren't smart.

My father died in my arms. That's tumult. That's everything exploding.

Some people want to be bank presidents. Other people want to rob banks.

Married life requires shared mystery even when all the facts are known.

Life's passed along to us empty. We have to make up the happiness part.

Writing never came naturally and I still have to force my hand to do it.

Marry somebody you love and who thinks you being a writer's a good idea.

I think once you love somebody, you love somebody; that's just how it is.

I wouldn't be a very good writer if someone hadn't taught me how to read.

Find what causes a commotion in your heart. Find a way to write about that

I'm intrigued by how ordinary behavior exists so close beside its opposite.

Maybe I'm a serial regional writer. First here, then there, across the map.

Happiness for me is getting to write about the most important things I know.

I started reading literature at 17 or 18, and I felt this extra beat to life.

Writing is the only thing I've ever done with persistence, except for being married.

Your life doesn't mean what you have or what you get. Its what your'e willing to give up.

The ways in which things are superficially similar but also distinct is interesting to me.

Very early you come to the realization that nothing will ever take you away from yourself.

Only sometimes you can't feel anything about a subject without hypothesizing its extinction.

I didn't feel up to writing about 9/11. If I were to write about it, it would take me years.

Things you did. Things you never did. Things you dreamed. After a long time they run together.

The world is a more engaging and less dramatic place than writers ever give it credit for being

I've been mainly a happy boy in my life. I married the right girl and we did what we wanted to do.

I know you can dream your way through an otherwise fine life, and never wake up, which is what I almost did.

Things happen when people are not where they belong, and the world moves forward and back by that principle.

The art of living your life has a lot to do with getting over loss. The less the past haunts you, the better.

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