Poetry and prayer are very similar.

G.I. humor is similar to cop humor.

I'm not God - but I am something similar.

We all gonna die, we bleed from similar veins.

'Man Push Cart' is very similar to 'Take Out.'

I'm very similar to the way I was when I was 5.

Texas humor and Southern humor are pretty similar.

Politics and war are remarkably similar situations.

There is no other language as similar to Hebrew like Arabic.

Our religions are much more similar than they are different.

Thinking you're immortal is weirdly similar to being immortal.

So Am I' is sonically like similar to 'Psycho' and energy-wise.

I can spot someone with similar fashion sense to me a mile off.

If you look at it, 'The Lion King' is very similar to 'Hamlet.'

People of similar political persuasions tend to flock together.

Closely related species of birds are also chromosomally similar.

I love discussing my game with people who have similar mindsets.

I love how music and fashion are so similar. We need each other.

Poetry and lyrics are very similar. Making words bounce off a page.

I had a similar year back in 1984 when I felt like I couldn't lose.

Being on TV is similar to being an athlete. You get no second chances.

I never say what I mean, but I always manage to say something similar.

I've always liked the minds of criminals, they seem similar to artists.

Hungary is very similar to Bulgaria. I know they're different countries.

All souls are equal and alike and have the similar nature and qualities.

If there is a God, his plan is very similar to someone not having a plan.

There were many African Americans - many, many stories similar to my story.

The responses of the baby monkey are very similar to those of a human baby.

The activity of a singer that sings opera is similar to that of an athlete.

For example, in Malay, there are pronunciations that are similar to Chinese.

Fate and history have a similar feeling. They are weird mirrors to each other.

I start by using Chinese and many of the sounds of other languages are similar.

The old age of lower mammals presents characters similar to those found in man.

The building blocks of discrimination tend to be similar wherever you find them.

My films are completely new. I am not similar to anybody in the history of movies.

I think my online personality and my real life personality are very, very similar.

Acting and singing are actually very similar because they're both telling a story.

I can speak Tamil fluently, and the sentence structures in Telugu are quite similar.

I always imagine that if I met Dr. Seuss, he would be very similar to Crispin Glover.

I'm driven by the idea of characters and the song-cycle form is similar to a musical.

Every training session, I try to simulate the conditions similar to where I am racing.

What's similar between Britain and America is the lack of good-quality civic buildings.

I love Birmingham, Michigan. It's lovely - you know, it's very similar to the Hamptons.

I often wonder if we could not solve the world's problems on a similar basis of harmony.

We are similar to a museum. My function is to present old masterpieces in modern frames.

I came to realize, along with being attracted to girls, I had similar feelings for boys.

I also work with the regular orchestras in Munich, Germany and other similar orchestras.

She kind of reminds one of Helen. There's something very similar about Elizabeth Perkins.

The ways in which things are superficially similar but also distinct is interesting to me.

Once people see you pulling off one role, they think you're a safe bet to do a similar role.

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