I don't even tweet.

You are what you tweet.

I'm too old-school to tweet.

Good enough to tweet, not to say.

Books are like tweets, except longer.

I don't tweet - I have nothing to say.

If you tweet for me, I'll tweet for you.

What am I going to tweet about? My sneakers?

Read books, discover the blues and don't Tweet.

Tweet, tweet, you're alive, you ignorant asshole.

Because words have deep meaning, Tweets have power.

Authenticity is absolutely the key to a great tweet.

I think maybe my attention span is too long to tweet.

Corporate tweets are like one robot talking to another.

Everyone wanna tweet but they don't know who to follow!

Elinor Lipman tweets like a nightingale with an eagle eye.

Elinor Lipman is to tweets what Shakespeare is to sonnets.

I'm such a grandma. I don't tweet; I don't have a Facebook page.

People ask me why I don't tweet. Honestly, I'm so sick of myself.

Books are anchored. You return to books. You don't return to a tweet.

I don't tweet. I prefer face-to-face communication and sometimes Instagram.

I don't regret any tweets. I'm not a tweeter and deleter. So I have no regrets.

Basically, I don't like to tweet stuff about my life. I only like to tweet jokes.

I probably tweet every other day, which I know isn't half as much as some people.

I'm not on Facebook, and I don't tweet, but I know plenty of people who love both.

Although I have no plans to tweet, I am fascinated by developments on the Internet.

I get tweets every single day going, like, 'I'm so glad you weren't on 'The X Factor.''

Twitter is not just for Journalists. You don’t have to be a writer to Tweet.[Social Media]

I only tweet if I discover something that's fantastic, or if I heard something really great.

Your tweet is as important as if you would have written a Ph.D. [dissertation] on the subject.

Trying to explain the First Step Act in prison reform in a tweet or Facebook post is not easy.

Just like Trump Tower, he [Donald Trump] must have hired a foreign worker to do his own tweets.

If somebody crafts an interesting tweet that’ll lead me to their blog, I’m going to their blog.

I like to tweet out nutrition research because I did my bachelor of science degree in dietetics.


A man who can be provoked by a tweet should not have his fingers anywhere near the nuclear codes.

Favoriting tweets has become a form of acknowledging that you've read what someone else has written.

My office is on Twitter. I don't tweet myself - at least, not intentionally, but I probably should do.

You should see some of the things people tweet me. There have been death wishes on my Twitter timeline.

I make a point to tweet out really funny comments I get on YouTube videos. I have the most ridiculous ones.

The reason it's hard for me to tweet is I don't want to pronounce anything, and Twitter is for pronouncing.

Twitter is a vessel that we can use to share #positivity to others through our timeline one tweet at a time.

I get concerned when I see kids on their phones. They don't read enough anymore, anything longer than a tweet.

Is it worth getting one more tweet out, or putting your phone down and doing something that is worth tweeting?

I've had to learn when not to tweet. Like, you learn how to keep your mouth shut? Learn to keep your tweet shut.

I've never sent a Tweet. I think I have an account but I don't know who runs it. I've never done one in my life.

So much of my life is not about work and that is usually mainly what I do tweet about. We live a very quiet life.

Read each tweet about 95 times before you send it. Look at every Instagram post about 95 times before you send it.

If an artist can take two minutes to tweet a fan and make his or her day, why wouldn't they take advantage of that?

When people meet me or hear me in person, they quickly learn that I am much more than a tweet and a profile picture.

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