I'm distinct, really.

I feel like I have a distinct voice.

And I think I have a distinct voice.

Remember my mantra: distinct... or extinct.

I like business and personal life to be distinct.

The practice of the law is a perfectly distinct art.

What I do isn't radical. It's just distinct in small ways.

The Olympic movement is divided into two very distinct eras.

My face is distinct. It's hard to confuse me with anyone else.

We want our villains and antagonists to have distinct motivations.

It's a very distinct difference between Romney and Obama and myself.

I can see a distinct anti-Modi and anti-NDA wave across the country.

It's the details that make people distinct, that make them individuals.

Horses have really distinct personalities, and they're magical in many ways.

I tried to make a distinct point that I wasn't retiring - that I was moving on.

Even hostile parodies admit from the start that the target has a distinct voice.

Listening to Nat Cole prompted me to sing sentimental songs with distinct diction.

There has always been a tendency to classify children almost as a distinct species.

There is a very thin line that differentiates and gives a song its distinct flavour.

Taxpayers' and 'people on benefits' are not two separate and distinct groups of people.

Leftism seeks to undo most of the values that are distinct to Judeo-Christian religion.

The Holy Ghost is a personage of Spirit: a separate and distinct member of the Godhead.

The black population now consists of two distinct classes-the middle class and the poor.

Man, I think mistakes - that's what makes us distinct human beings. Those imperfections.

Early experiences convinced me that animals can and do have quite distinct personalities.

The best teaching I ever experienced was at Exeter. Yale was a distinct letdown afterward.

In 'Raabta' I've two personalities to project, and yes, there are distinct shades of grey.

The ways in which things are superficially similar but also distinct is interesting to me.

Writing is very much perceived as something distinct from performance. I don't see it like that.

Harold, like the rest of us, had many impressions which saved him the trouble of distinct ideas.

I have the distinct pleasure of doing exactly what I want to do and get paid for it. It's a joy.

If you notice in my own films the blending of songs is distinct. They narrate stories and scenes.

There are distinct categories of consumers, each of which needs to be addressed in a different way.

Wash four distinct and separate times, using lots of lather each time from individual bars of soap.

All things will be clear and distinct to the man who does not hurry; haste is blind and improvident.

Indeed, it is a proven mathematical theorem that a doughnut is topologically distinct from a sphere.

Liquid helium belongs to a class of fluids known as quantum fluids, as distinct from classical fluids.

I have a very distinct goal all the time that I'm working toward, and I love the way it makes me live.

Pure drawing is an abstraction. Drawing and colour are not distinct, everything in nature is coloured.

This idea that males are physically aggressive and females are not has distinct drawbacks for both sexes.

So human capital makes ideas, and ideas help make human capital. But still, they're conceptually distinct.

I have a very distinct memory of 'ExciteBike' and making my own courses. I had an obsession with that game.

But, I think that as long as you have a distinct voice and personality, you can kind of dress how you want.

Children at certain ages have distinct actions, and boys at certain ages have a particular way of acting too.

There is that great thing of D.C. being Hollywood for ugly people. There's very distinct crossover behaviors.

Obviously any time you play home in front of your own fans, you definitely get a distinct advantage that way.

If you're trained in metaphysics, you don't see the world as distinct from yourself. You are one with the world.

Apart from a small minority, teenage boys fall into three distinct categories: macho, metro, or just plain muddled.

We are supposed to all be equal before the law, but we have a separate and distinct ruling class, and that is wrong.

Resilience is distinct from mere survival, and more than mere endurance. Resilience is often endurance with direction.

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