I love Baltimore, I want to retire a raven

Being injured, nobody wants to be injured.

Whelan was in the position he was, exactly

Chiropractic's been a big part of my game!

We're going to win Sunday. I guarantee it.

I'd rather go to Vietnam than get married.

Anything I do, I always have a reason for.

Every player looks forward to free agency.

I'm passionate about the game of football.

Nobody's taller than the last man standing

I played one game, and one game played me.

I always think of myself as a point guard.

There's no reason to be angry or impolite.

Everything I got, I'm willing to sacrifice

Hey diddle diddle, Ray Rice up the middle.

I have a lot of respect for tough coaches.

Nine in the box... that's a football term.

There's no other game like the Super Bowl.

I'm yelling in my mind as I write a tweet.

Lady luck is trying his best for Liverpool

Martin Jol is literally a dead man walking

Sometimes Congress likes to milk an issue.

Stubbornness is a virtue if you are right.

I've always been a very self-aware person.

Winners never quit and quitters never win.

We run to win, not just to be in the race.

You have to take things one day at a time.

I wouldn't touch Chimbonda with a barn door

Peyton's pretty good at figuring stuff out.

I know it's not a one man team win or lose.

It wasn't going to be our day on the night.

I love playing. I want to win a Super Bowl.

I usually kept everybody at arm's distance.

Get your calculators out, this will be fun!

Potential just means you ain't done it yet.

I just really know how to manage adversity.

Baltimore is my heart. The fans are family.

No Alarm Clock Needed. My Passion Wakes Me.

Nobody who ever gave his best regretted it.

Working with people on a field turns me on.

I can remember Bob Paisley was never happy.

Hard work beats talent, and I live by that.

Adrian Peterson isn't running by committee.

Everyone is ready to win, few are prepared.

I don't think that I've ever been a backup.

I don't worry about things I can't control.

You've got to earn respect as life goes on.

Cocaine is totally different than steroids.

I have a whole different type of lifestyle.

The Heisman Trophy is such a special award.

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