I certainly think that we can take steps to prevent this kind of weapon that is designed to create mass casualties from getting into the hands of the wrong people while still protecting the Second Amendment rights of the people of New Hampshire and making sure that we're protecting the ownership and use of legitimate hunting rifles.

As governor, I will always be willing to work with people who have ideas to offer and are ready to roll up their sleeves. That kind of teamwork will build a New Hampshire that will lead the nation and compete with the world. Together, we will help our businesses grow and build a stronger economy on a vision of innovation and growth.

The reason I decided to run for Senate is one of my responsibilities as governor is to make sure that the voices of our people and our small businesses in New Hampshire are heard in Washington and that we continue to make the type of progress we're making here at the state level; we need that same type of response and progress in Washington.

We have to help decision makers realize that women's reproductive health rights are civil rights and that women need to be free to make the same decisions that men are free to make with regard to health care and whether and when to have a family. It's going to be increasingly important for women to speak up not only about being able to make our own decisions, but also about the importance of being trusted to make our own decisions.

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