Cinema and emotion trump reality for me.

As a kid, I had a background in theater.

I'm not afraid to use Christ as an icon.

So, no more running. I aim to misbehave.

I can do web, comic books, macrame, art.

I am always drawn to father/son stories.

In my spare time, I smoke acres of weed.

I liked hockey, and I still like hockey.

Who you think you are is only a thought.

I've read a thousand private-eye novels.

Hyperbole is something I'd better avoid.

Ambiguity depletes as your budget rises.

The wrong side of the tracks is livelier.

I love the house in 'North by Northwest.'

Well, I had the most appalling childhood.

It's like an angel crying on your tongue.

Harlem is filled with moments of history.

I don't see myself as having a dark side.

Everybody already knows what Godzilla is.

I have a huge repertoire. I love karaoke.

It's easy to clean up when you got money.

I really enjoy the challenge of adapting.

Most artists think they're frauds anyway.

I am the immaculate embodiment of worlds.

I'm a very gentle man, not unlike Gandhi.

Sketchy: I'm no stranger to stoner logic.

Let freedom ring, unless it's on vibrate.

I can be arrogant, I can be insufferable.

Forgive your enemies, but first get even.

My biggest fear in life is to be average.

Sometimes other people have better ideas.

Style is a way of talking about yourself.

I don't want my writing to be recognized.

Horses do sense things way before people.

I live with a bunch of yuppies and models.

I was a huge fan of comedy in high school.

The world's a fascinating place right now.

Nine out of 10 war victims die from a gun.

Gentlemen always seem to remember blondes.

You name the TV psychic - they're con men.

Conscience. That stuff can drive you nuts.

You are what you love. Not what loves you.

'The Way of the Gun' I wrote in five days.

I actually barely ever go on the Internet.

I still love her. But she's retarded, too.

There, but for the grace of God, goes God.

The South is like a foreign country to me!

You have to keep surprising your audience.

All I can say is, death is a part of life.

I'm a massive Bowie fan, always have been.

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