Confusion is the first step toward clarity

I hate losing laughs; they're rare things.

A hero can only be as good as the bad guy.

You can't teach someone to be imaginative.

And my friends, you ain't seen nothin' yet.

I grew up in the Bronx. I'm into rap music.

All we have is our vote. But it's powerful.

If all else fails, you can always be a pro.

You're not a slave to those test audiences.

Real film is light; digital is electricity.

Superman is not as innately cool as Batman.

Life is simply a vacation from the infinite

My ultimate dream was just to be an auteur.

The sea finds out everything you did wrong.

I write to be the characters that I am not.

You can either watch TV or you can make TV.

If you grow up fat, you have to try harder.

I consider myself an independent filmmaker.

Comedy becomes intensified in short scenes.

Academy Awards don't really solve anything.

I'm tired of doing rewrites for executives.

Love is to be two and at the same time one.

I'm not a big fan of prequels to be honest.

Computers don't lie, but liars can compute.

A fool harvests his opinions in the spring.

My theme song is 'One Tin Soldier' by Coven.

I've always loved high style in low company.

One way or another we all work for our vice.

You can't eat your friends and have them too

Action to me is something very fun to shoot.

Goodbye, my love, my life. Goodbye, goodbye.

For some moments in life there are no words.

The past is history, the future's a mystery.

Half of writing history is hiding the truth.

Obsession is beautiful. It's what makes art.

The greatest expression of rebellion is joy.

My favorite part of Comic-Con? The groupies.

I'm not miserable, but I can't not be angry.

I love being able to stay real to the world.

I really liked that documentary, 'Room 237.'

The whole world makes comic book movies now.

I'm in my 80s and not a keen television fan.

A man who is not with a woman is a dead man.

Casting is always subject to availabilities.

Everyone deserves to be the hero of a novel.

Okay, uh, I'm lost. I'm angry. And I'm armed.

Someone else's loss is my chocolatey goodness

It's not any huge secret that I'm an atheist.

Success, to me, is something new and vibrant.

'The Breakfast Club' was one of my favorites.

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