When all else fails there's always delusion.

A small handgun makes any TV remote control.

No nation ever taxed itself into prosperity.

Obamacare can't work, folks. It just cannot.

Cap and trade is a sledge hammer to freedom.

[Donald] Trump likes celebrities; he is one.

Donald Trump is able to get his message out.

I want a great country. I want people happy.

If you can't trust, you can't be trustworthy.

I only like sports that Bond villains played.

I spend most of my free time under the house.

I suppose we're not supposed to judge people.

Global warming, climate change, it's a total.

The Electoral College is justified and right.

If I'm hated, so what? If I'm loved, so what?

There is no off position on the genius switch.

Jeff Sessions is the lone voice in the Senate.

Liberalism isn't change. It has to be imposed.

I am addicted to prescription pain medication.

If I'm wrong, I'm man enough to say I'm wrong.

I really like it that they promote from within.

Time is only linear for engineers and referees.

You gotta laugh because if you didn't you'd cry

I don't get emails from my corporate overlords.

I like my cinema gritty, I like my eggs gritty.

Has the mathematical abilities of a Clydesdale.

Quiet down, we don't want to wake the Russians.

This isn't brain surgery; it's just television.

Obama's entire economic program is reparations.

People are free to do whatever they want to do.

A lot of people need an infusion of confidence.

I love smarta**es when it's stuff I agree with.

Liberalism has become a special kind of stupid.

Live just because or live your life for a cause

I think when I stop fighting, I die in a sense.

You'll never catch a nudist with his pants down.

Just because I'm happy doesn't mean I'm shallow.

For government to give, it must first take away.

The Republicans are never anything but villains.

I think optimism is in the eyes of the beholder.

The people of America are tired of being misled.

Liberalism is never gonna be that tiny or small.

Being guilty tends to engender feelings of guilt.

Weak coffee is the greatest sin against humanity.

I'm still here. I knocked off another competitor.

I'm whispering so that the media doesn't hear me.

Throwing money at problems never solved anything!

The love had just vanished. We're still friendly.

The press has met their Waterloo, and it's Obama.

In 1970, you went to school to find your husband.

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