Have you seen a copy of Tax Tips for Billionaires?

I wouldn't give my troubles to a monkey on a rock.

Hillary went to a Chipotle in a tortilla pantsuit.

BP has put more birds in oil than Colonel Sanders.

Delta: We never make the same mistake three times.

Politics is about moving forward, looking forward.

I want people to enjoy the fruits of their labors.

I have to tell you, every day is a roller coaster.

Not even the Washington Post understands humanity.

I don't want to judge anybody by wherever they go.

I'm a lovable, harmless, lovable, little fuzzball.

Sometimes rejection in life is really redirection.

Work hard, be kind, and amazing things will happen.

It's a mistake to read. Television is the only way.

I aim to please. I'm nothing if not a vaudevillian.

Sometimes something worth doing is worth overdoing.

For the love of God, folks, don't try this at home.

To this day I do not believe I'm great at anything.

I'm a member of the media. I'm America's Anchorman.

I am not going to tell people what I don't believe.

I was the youngest of six, with four older sisters.

You have to change the set, stay ahead of the curve.

I realized women and humor were linked very closely.

Even a chameleon needs the proper amount of suction.

I don't think of myself as being invincible anymore.

Let's stop for a moment to admire the rotating pies.

Childhood. I wish I had something to complain about.

I did feel from day one that I was a born performer.

I would never want to hurt anyone by writing a book.

Bigot: A person who wins an argument with a liberal.

We need segregated buses... This is Obama's America.

I enjoy hearing the way people think. I always have.

Innocent people never deserve to die no matter what.

I'm a wiseass and a smartass, and I always have been.

Conservatism solves problems. Libralism blows 'em up.

The American political system is a giant bureaucracy.

When in doubt about who's to blame. Blame the English.

Everything I think of now is too rude to actually say.

When you go to the mind reader, do you get half price?

Traffic signals in New York are just rough guidelines.

I hate decaffeinated coffee. It's useless brown water.

What a day. It's 53 and gloomy - like President Obama.

New Orleans: The least annoying French place on Earth.

If I can be serious now, and I have the feeling I can.

If I prayed as much as I pluck, I'd be the Dalai Lama.

Character matters; leadership descends from character.

We live in a world of intolerance masked as tolerance.

Obama's an angry guy. He's got a chip on his shoulder.

Obama doesn't want to be called the deporter-in-chief.

I've been to Mar-a-Lago. I'm not going to Trump Tower.

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