Caring - about people, about things, about life - is an act of maturity.

TV is all about speed. TV is fast and furious. It's gunslinger territory.

Scientists are like atomic nuclei. They are more easily split than fused.

Her lips were like the soft beauty of a delicately designed silken scarf.

We live in a moment in history in which our privacy may not be important.

Next time you want to quit, think who you want to be. Quitters never win.

Though the man above might say hello, expect no love from the beast below

In television, I don't feel constraints. I feel a lot freedom to maneuver.

If you're a good writer, you don't have everybody shouting in every scene.

In a novel, the relationship between writer and reader is such a pure one.

No one can ruin shows, but Internet trolls sure can make things miserable.

The trafficking of sex and violence is comes after the demand for ratings.

I never go online. The Internet stuff is bonkers. You must not look at it.

Everyone's the anti-Teddy Roosevelt. Speak loudly and carry a brittle twig.

People think about autism as something with kids. Well, those kids grow up.

Today's audience knows more about what's on television than what's in life.

I'm not much of a salesman. I prefer the soft sell and the honest approach.

Even when they don't know who Nixon was, these shows will continue to play.

You want weapons? We're in a library! Books! The best weapons in the world!

Just because you're an avid reader doesn't mean you're an avid understander.

To me, crazy is not someone who has a creative vision and will fight for it.

The problem with improv is that you're letting an idiot tell you what to do.

Doing good stuff or stuff that you are proud of takes time and takes effort.

The Amazon is still burning; we just don't hear the smoke detectors anymore.

Reality television is less honest than YouTube. YouTube is the real reality.

That's one of the perks of my job, is getting to see what the Internet does.

Relationships are like the world's most intense yoga! It's a daily practice.

Once you spend more than $100 million on a movie, you have to save the world.

One of the things I do well - I think, anyway - is combining different tones.

The goal, first and foremost, is to tell a satisfying - entertaining - story.

There's something that doesn't make sense. Let's go and poke it with a stick.

A show is going to be good and fun to work on, if the research is interesting.

I'm like a slow starter. Everything I've done has built, or has taken a while.

I think we should all start worrying about being downloaded and put in robots.

Parenthood has been the beneficiary of wonderful performances by child actors.

Time has a certain current to it, and it wants to flow in a certain direction.

If you're going to play stickball in Canarsie you better learn Brooklyn rules.

I'm a lifelong 'Doctor Who' fan. Like, Peter Davison/Colin Baker, lifelong fan.

I'm an old guitar player who has fallen into television and is so happy he did.

Blows the lid off a decades-long conspiracy to secretly educate cartoon viewers

It's hard to make a lot of pop culture references where there's no pop culture.

I'm kind of a comic book geek, but I'm not really a super hero comic book geek.

To choose love and jump in not knowing, with a lot of unknowns, is a brave act.

We just may be the most well-informed, yet least self-aware, people in history.

Ask anyone who has been in a love relationship for a while: nothing is perfect.

'Parenthood' has been the beneficiary of wonderful performances by child actors.

The world's an angry place these days. Let's just not take it out on each other.

I think Americans have become a - much more a nation of consumers than citizens.

When we went on the air, I didn't want to be interrupted for an act-one curtain.

It always seems that people who bring nothing to the table take the most from it.

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