I'm not an ace at small talk.

I love bass, I really do. Bass is ace!

When you start the game with an ace, it's always better.

I'm a huge fan of Ace of Base. 'The Sign?' I love that song.

He played the king as if afraid someone else would play the ace.

I've got freakishly large big toes. They look like the ace of spades.

I used to skip school and paint my face with Ace Frehley Kiss make-up.

I'm proud of doing 'Long Day's Journey into Night,' for which I won an ACE award.

I say what I mean. I don't speak in code. That's why I am a star and ace communicator.

Without Ace of Base, I kind of feel Backstreet Boys would have never found their sound.

We'd love to do Space Ace 3D. It has a lot of potential. But, it is really up to the publishers.

'This Is England 2015.' That would be ace. We could have prosthetics to make us look really old.

I have a lot of diehard fans. Ace Frehley fans and Kiss fans are the greatest fans in the world.

When you are in safe hands of a brilliant filmmaker and an ace co-actor, there is nothing to fear.

To me, 'Ace Ventura' is as scriptural and sacred as any movie I've ever done because it's childlike.

He played the King as though under momentary apprehension that someone else was about to play the ace.

Toward his critics, the artist harbors a defensive ace: knowledge that the future will erase the present.

As a child I wanted to be a kind of hybrid of Ferris Beuller, Ace Ventura, Bette Midler, and Lucille Ball.

Everything I know, I stole directly from Ace Frehley, Angus Young, and Keith Richards. That's how you learn.

Like most Dilliwalas, I'm an ace at bargaining. I have spent hours doing that at Janpath and Sarojini Market.

First of all, with due respect to my dad, he wasn't an ace composer. He never got the success that my uncle did.

I've never been that confident. I don't tend to think, swaggeringly, 'I'm going to ace this.' It's just not who I am.

I was into 'In Living Color,' 'Martin,' the 'Ace Ventura' movies. I love slapstick stuff, too: 'Naked Gun' and 'Caddyshack.'

I find the production in 'A&E' very beautiful, it reminds me of Ace Of Base, the way the bass has that space and the reggae.

My nickname is Deb for people who really know me. But the only real nickname I've ever had was, my dad used to call me 'Ace.'

There is one nickname that my mate wants me to have... it's The Ace. I'm happy for a campaign for people to start calling me that!

Cool things happen. Ace's guitar flies through space, goes through a hole, and blows up. I throw drumsticks and they come flying at you.

My husband, after two weeks of dating, asked me, if our relationship were to work out, would I be OK with our first boy being named Ace.

Programs like ACE's Bootstrap Summer Camp teach our kids important computer coding skills that will allow them to design their own futures.

I watch Letterman. Once in a while, on the odd night, I'll catch the Food Network and watch 'Ace of Cakes,' which I'm kind of obsessed with.

If a teacher goes, 'Do you guys want an easy test?' You're going to say, 'Heck, yeah.' The less you've got to study, I'm going ace this test.

In my opinion I do not think I am a better guitarist than Ace, I honestly think we're both different, and we both brought something unique to the musical.

My life would have been different without Paul Stanley or Ace Frehley. They would have to be the greatest on my list as an influence to my life at 11 years old.

I usually set aside a lot of time in advance of a movie with important roles for kids to search, but when you have great ones, they can be a real ace in the hole.

As much effort it takes in nailing great comic timing, it takes the same effort to ace any dance step or a romantic dialogue. All of them have their different space.

In weeks when I was writing a novel, I followed a five-day schedule, doing about thirty pages a day, so a typical Ace novel would take me six or seven days to write.

It's been an incredible experience, playing with Twisted Sister, Stone Sour, Avenged Sevenfold, jamming with Ace Frehley and Peter Criss, and the list goes on and on and on.

I was always a guy that would study for three hours and barely get an A on the test and you would have another guy next to me who would study for maybe 30 minutes and ace it.

Our ACE proposal will reduce CO2 approximately the same levels that the Clean Power Plan would have, if it had been implemented. And we're reducing CO2 from our CAFE standards.

Who doesn't love classic Destiny's Child or Ace of Base? There's so much amazing music from that time period, so it makes sense that we're starting to hear that pop up in records.

The voice has been my joker card that sometimes has played like an ace and sometimes a joker. When you sing the way I sing, it's impossible to get people to talk about anything else.

Training is very tough. I probably hurt and get out of breath more in training because in matches, you can hit an ace, then have 25 seconds off. In training, you're doing drills constantly.

There are large cooperatives all across this country. Land O'Lakes is a $12 billion club functioning all across America. There are rural electric co-ops in 47 states. Ace Hardware is a cooperative.

Because I started my career in improv, performing with Second City and the Ace Trucking Company, I always enjoy being in situations where - as an actor - you have to think fast & be light on your feet.

Also, this is what a pregnant Busy Philipps does in her free time, I'm taking master fondant cake decorating class with Anna from 'Ace of Cakes' at Duff's Charm City Cakes. It's, like, 4 three-hour classes.

My heroes were Eddie Van Halen - especially after Van Halen I, II, III, and IV - Randy Rhoads, Ace Frehley and dudes like that. My brother played drums and we jammed in the garage and started writing our own stuff.

And after about two years, I realized that creative writing was not going to help you ace those biological tests. So I switched over to journalism. I didn't graduate with honors, but I did graduate on time and with some doing.

I give a speech to the black freshmen at Harvard each year, and I say, 'You can like Mozart and ice hockey...' - and then I used to say 'golf,' but Tiger took over golf! - 'and Picasso and still be as black as the ace of spades.'

EPA's Affordable Clean Energy rule (ACE), would restore the states' proper role under the Clean Air Act and our system of federalism. Our plan would allow states to establish standards of performance that meet EPA emissions guidelines.

In our experience, when people make comprehensive lifestyle changes, they usually can reduce or discontinue medications such as cholesterol-lowering drugs, anti-hypertensives, beta-blockers, ACE inhibitors, nitrates, insulin, and so on.

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