He had acres of time there.

In my spare time, I smoke acres of weed.

We live on a 500-acre ranch, beautiful ranch.

I don't like acres of faceless girls walking.

I live on this nice three acres in Hollywood.

I'm from a small town, a farm, a hundred acres.

Legislatures represent people, not acres or trees.

And we never got the mule, let alone the forty acres.

All the lights on Broadway don't amount to an acre of green.

One time we did have 300 acres in watermelons. That was fun.

And even our present acres of death will someday bloom again.

An acre in Middlesex is better than a principality in Utopia.

Everybody can identify with somebody in the Hundred Acre Wood.

I grew up in a town outside of Waco, Texas, and we had 30 acres.

There are acres of diamonds in the problem you have before you right now.

I like that ancient Saxon phrase, which calls, The burial-ground God's-Acre.

If I could afford it, I'd buy 1,000 acres and put my house right dead-center.

We'll fill our lives with what we cultivate the most. Plant grace by the acre.

My goodness, everyone is planting grapes, even a neighbor with only five acres.

A lot of people don't know, but New Jersey has, like, 700,000 acres of farmland.

When I was a kid, we always had big gardens, acres of stuff we grew out in the yard.

The 5,000 or so acres of Royal Parks are one of the things that make London special.

You are, at this moment, standing, right in the middle of your own 'acres of diamonds.'

The great god Ra, whose shrine once covered acres, is filler now for crossword puzzle makers.

For the few little successes I may seem to have, there are acres of misgivings and self-doubt.

If I had not been defeated in Acre against Jezzar Pasha of Turk. I would conquer all of the East.

I grew up in western Oregon, just outside Eugene, on 27 wooded acres that served as my playground.

Barley, where it succeeds, yields a larger weight of feed per acre than any other small grain crop.

A thousand acres that can feed a thousand souls is better than ten thousand acres of no more effect.

Hemp is Earth's number-one biomass resource; it is capable of producing 10 tons per acre in four months.

The cartoon absolutely captures something that acres and acres of copy can't. And even photographs can't.

I lived in New Jersey in a massive house, not a 50 Cent mansion, but four bedrooms, and I had acres of land.

An acre of the best ground for hemp, is to be selected and sewn in hemp and be kept for a permanent hemp patch.

I have no fancy living at all. Well, I have a house in Sun Valley. Five acres in the woods. I guess that's fancy.

It's just a little ranch. Thirty-five acres. In Texas, if it's not a thousand acres, it's considered a ranchette.

Happy the man whose wish and care a few paternal acres bound, content to breathe his native air in his own ground.

Every time we burn a gallon of gas or an acre of rain forest, aren't we killing the future to preserve the present?

When the British ruled Malaysia, they burnt millions of acres of Malaysian forests so that they could plant rubber.

Congo is one of the least-developed countries in the world, and has millions of acres of virtually untouched forest.

My days are jam-packed with carpools, classroom assistance, tending to chickens, dogs and seven acres of olive trees!

No one in the United States has the right to own millions of acres of American land, I don't care how they came by it.

When I was 9, we moved to Osseo, Wis., where we owned a couple of hundred acres. My father was well respected in town.

I live on eight acres out in the country in Nashville, and it gets creepy and foggy. It's the best atmosphere to write songs.

To look out of a car in Scania, you see a painting on the horizontal - one windmill, one tiny farmhouse, acres of beet or grass.

I perform in opera houses in the centres of big cities. We live in 20 acres of forest. You need that space to recover and renew.

Only by himself, with one acre and a house, will a dunce be a dunce. Once he manages to gain power, he'll turn into a scoundrel.

The flavour of a fish which comes out of the sea at Acre is not similar to the flavour of a fish which comes out of the sea in Spain.

I never met a man who was shaken by a field of identical blades of grass. An acre of poppies and a forest of spruce boggle no one's mind.

In Africa, you can make three acres sustainable relatively easily, but 50,000 acres? It's not about picking up towels or sleeping in a tent.

I've got cattle on 4,000 acres about 100 miles east of Dallas, but I've also got another 65-acre ranch where I raise American miniature horses.

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