I'm a horrible person. And it's just coming out in my work.

Kids need love the most when they're acting most unlovable.

As long as I'm acting and doing what I love, I'll be happy.

My acting range? Left eyebrow raised, right eyebrow raised.

The art of acting consists in keeping people from coughing.

Any good marriage involves a certain amount of play-acting.

Acting is standing up naked and turning around very slowly.

Acting is not just something I love but a part of who I am.

I did some acting in high school, I knew I really liked it.

The government gave me enough money to go to acting school.

Every truth is self-acting and possesses inherent strength.

I don't have the passion for acting that actors might have.

I learned a lot about acting from the people I worked with.

I think personal growth has much to do with acting ability.

An actor should take lessons from a painter and a sculptor.

Asking about acting to me is like asking about junior high.

I started acting, almost on a whim to help my music career.

It's not who I am underneath but what I do that defines me.

In the world of acting, many are thin but few are talented.

Real inspired acting is never DOING, it is always HAPPENING

It's hard to act in the morning. The muse isn't even awake.

Movie magic is movie magic and acting magic is acting magic.

That's what acting is. You're pretending to be someone else.

I never was disillusioned with acting because I love acting.

Acting isn't a side thing - you have to live and breathe it.

Acting requires risk, and that's what feeling vulnerable is.

I always distrust the word art when it is applied to acting.

I love acting, but I don't know if I'll ever get used to it.

What's important about an actor is his acting, not his life.

To me acting originally became an extension of game playing.

Acting is behaving truthfully under imaginary circumstances.

I like to say that I didn't choose acting - acting chose me.

Acting is just a way of making a living, the family is life.

Being Michael Jordan means acting the same as I always have.

For 50 years, acting was the reason I got up in the morning.

I think if you're half-hearted you shouldn't go into acting.

I hold theatre acting in such high esteem that it scares me.

I never did go back to acting class. I was too busy working.

I didn't get here for my acting... but I love show business.

Even though I hate acting, I love doing videos for my songs.

It seemed that I performed better sober than drunk. Who knew?

I've always loved subtle acting, and that's what I got to do.

Acting is a strange job because your control is very limited.

Acting forces me to socialise, which is good for me, I think.

If I weren't acting I'd be a very unhappy, unfulfilled woman.

Acting is like an addiction - once you start, you can't stop.

There's nothing more boring than actors talking about acting.

Eventually writing became more interesting to me than acting.

I never really wanted to write and wanted to focus on acting.

Acting on a good idea is better than just having a good idea.

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