I love Adele.

Adele ain't soul.

My favorite Adele song is 'Hello.'

Adele's one of my favourite artists!

I'd love to write a country album with Adele.

I don't hate my voice. I'm just not an Adele.

I love Dolly Parton, Emmylou Harris and Adele.

I love Adele. When I see her, I may kiss Adele.

I've been a fan of Adele since her first project.

Adele texts me all the time and keeps me in check.

I've been a huge Adele fan since I heard her album '19.'

I love Adele. That's a lead singer; that's the real deal.

Both my kids like Adele, and I gotta say, the girl can sing.

I'm very lucky, in that I've known Adele for quite some time.

I have a strange, not very traditional voice - I'm not Adele.

If Adele's seen as boring, then I'm happy to be boring as well.

I love Adele. Natasha Bedingfield is cool, those sort of people.

I love Adele so much and it's honestly not because we're both big.

If I get in a dark spot, I'll listen to some Adele and cry about it.

I love Adele and Lykke Li. I also listen to classical music as well.

Adele is great because she promotes the idea of being happy as you are.

Adele is selling millions of records, and everybody tries to sing like Adele.

I go to The Brit School, which is where Adele, Amy Winehouse, and Jessie J went.

I think I would fan over Beyonce or Adele. Those are my two girl idols, definitely.

It would be fun to write with Adele, actually. She seems like a fun girl to write with.

Beyonce, Otis Redding, Led Zeppelin, Stevie Wonder, and Adele are a few of my favorites.

The Brits know how crazy Adele is. Americans have no clue about Adele and how crazy she is!

When I am having my picture taken, I channel Beyonce. In the studio, my inspiration is Adele.

I'm drawn to singers who have something different to say vocally, and Adele would be in there.

I love Adele; she's a timeless, classic beauty. I think she's beautiful. She's just a real woman.

I wanna do a song with Adele! Nobody gets Adele as a feature, so maybe I can. I hope she knows who I am!

I know that the music industry has changed, but I'd love it if Adele and John Legend would write me songs.

I like that the hard-core ruffians, the street thugs come up to me and say, 'Man, you killed it with Adele.'

Adele's like a beacon of honesty. Doesn't compromise, goes to America and she's still the same sweary cockney.

The great thing about Adele is if you put her on top volume, you actually sound like her while you're singing.

I try to look at people like Adele and Norah Jones, who are very successful but don't have to deal with scandals.

My sisters and I like a lot of different styles of music, but we're inspired by real artists like Beyonce and Adele.

I love Adele, I want her to be my best friend. She could come to the U.S., live with me and sing to me every morning.

If you look at Adele, the reason she did so well was she created great music. It wasn't about a clever marketing trick.

People forget that, for example, Adele wasn't always the Adele we know. Sam Smith wasn't always the Sam Smith that we know.

I was told all my life to sing like Aretha Franklin, or Adele, cover myself with black clothing and show more soul, sing bigger.

I wouldn't mind being the male Adele. She came along, and people were like, 'Damn, we haven't heard anyone this real for years.'

I'm trained in musical theatre and 'Pitch Perfect' is the first movie where I get to really belt out. I beat Adele for that role.

Popular music has always been rooted in the blues, whether it's Adele or Led Zeppelin or Sam Cooke. It's just the beat that changes.

There will be a Jussie Smollett album. I signed to Columbia. So, darling, I'm label mates with Beyonce and Adele and Barbra Streisand.

I always sing Adele in the shower. But everyone should know you never sing an Adele song in public because no one's better than Adele.

I have always looked up to Adele and Christina Aguilera as singers ever since I was very young, and now my favorite male singer is Hozier.

I love Adele. Adele is my favorite artist. She's British. She's funny. She's just an amazing, incredible voice, and I love to sing as well.

Adele's amazing, I think the world of her and her music and I think Tinie Tempah is cool. To work with someone like Kanye West would be awesome.

I have quite an eclectic taste in music. I like Angus & Julia Stone; they are an Australian brother/sister duo. I like Adele. She is phenomenal.

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