I admire your capacity for admiring.

No person loving or admiring himself is alone.

No, I grew up admiring people who played ice hockey.

The wicked envy and hate; it is their way of admiring.

The cure for admiring the House of Lords is to go and look at it.

You always admire what you really don't understand. - Eleanor Roosevelt

The Democrats and Republicans are the same guy admiring themself in the mirror.

I never know how to get off the phone, so I'm terribly admiring of people who can.

I am admiring of my fellow peers, black filmmakers and black actors and actresses.

I learn by admiring others, listening and correcting what wouldn't be right for me.

What better way to enjoy rains than lazing around in your house and admiring nature.

I knew the exuberance of playing before an admiring audience and hearing my secret voice.

I've kind of grew to enjoy fighting legends that I got into the sport watching and admiring.

I take all day to climb mountains and then spend about 10 minutes at the top admiring the view.

I really think that aside from admiring my talent you really admire me as a person and as a woman.

When I see a car I've designed going down the street and somebody admiring it, that's a nice feeling.

To be compared to Will Smith is probably one of the coolest things because that's who I came up admiring.

The hidden child wants to be able to participate and to co-create in art, rather than being simply an admiring viewer.

I remember admiring my aunt's - my mom's sister's - fashion, which was very feminine and sexy, but always sophisticated.

Those who talk of the bible as a monument of English prose are merely admiring it as a monument over the grave of Christianity.

I grew up admiring Ronald Reagan and Vice President Bush, and if I were old enough, I would have voted for 41. I was glad he won.

Celibacy is not just a matter of not having sex. It is a way of admiring a person for their humanity, maybe even for their beauty.

A severe though not unfriendly critic of our institutions said that the cure for admiring the House of Lords was to go and look at it.

Growing up in the greater Toronto area, I was a happy kid. I was my mother's first child, surrounded by admiring godparents and cousins.

My family and I grew up watching and admiring Oscar De La Hoya and to now be fighting under his promotional banner is a dream come true.

Admiration is seen as a noble sentiment - we admire people for admiring others, detecting, in their admiration, a suggestion of taste and humility.

A lot of my research time is spent daydreaming - telling an imaginary admiring audience of laymen how to understand some difficult scientific idea.

I think there are a lot of chefs in D.C. who have made D.C. what it is today. I am very respectful to them. I'm very admiring of what they've done.

I can take a lot of pats on the back. I love it when I get admiring letters from people. And, of course, I'd love it if the critics would notice me, too.

The people of U.P. are very simple and grounded. They take pleasure in admiring arts and cinema. This is why it is emerging as a big market for filmmakers.

I used to be a striker for my school, but my father felt cricket had more scope. I grew up admiring Sachin Tendulkar and Sourav Ganguly, so I chose cricket.

A savage review is much more entertaining for the reader than an admiring one; the little misanthrope in each of us relishes the rubbishing of someone else.

I do enjoy filming, but I do consider myself still to be a bit of a novice, and I learn a bit every time I do a film job, and I am very admiring of film actors.

My mom has been my support system from day one. Admiring the type of person she is gives me a sense of what to look for in my ideal cheerleader when the time comes.

I grew up admiring Phil Mickelson. He loves competing, and he loves the fans' support, similar to me. In terms of my playing style, Steve Stricker and I are similar.

Since the Indian film industry is one of the oldest, and I have grown up admiring all the movies, especially the classics starring Guru Dutt, I would love to work here.

If there's anything that I've always said about myself is that to me, it's much more important for me to get to work with filmmakers that I've grown up loving and admiring.

I grew up always admiring business owners. I was always interested in knowing who pulled what strings. I've always been in love with the decision making process, not just the product.

My interest in fashion came from my interest in the body as a central cultural figure, not from admiring other designers - but of course I love Mason Martin Margiela, and I love Sybilla.

I used to think of George Michael as being mechanical, like a scientist in a white coat, working in a laboratory, creating perfect harmonies, and all the while I was secretly admiring him.

It wasn't until I was in my teens that I started admiring writers as inspirations for my own work, and my earliest influences there were Stephen King, Marion Zimmer Bradley and Richard Adams.

I was a product of the times, the war, the occupation, the reoccupation, my 4 years in Britain, admiring but at the same time questioning whether they are able to do a better job than we can.

Marrying a man is like buying something you've been admiring for a long time in a shop window. You may love it when you get it home, but it doesn't always go with everything else in the house.

There are some tremendous actors in the U.K. who have been knighted, and I've spent much of my life admiring many of them, like Laurence Olivier. So it's very flattering to be in their company.

While admiring the pleasing evidence of wealth, we become complicit in - or, at the very least, recognize the extent to which we, too, are beneficiaries of - an economic system we routinely deplore.

I think everyone's always interested in playing a spy, right? That's something we grow up admiring, which is so strange, but it's just a very clever and quick world that we all want to be a part of.

I want to write such things as compel the admiring acclamation of the world at large, such things as are written but once in years, things subtle but distinctly different from the books written every day.

Children ran up to me shouting, 'Columbo!' At first, it gave me great pleasure, but later, I said to myself that those children should have had their own heroes instead of admiring a cop from Los Angeles.

You will also allow me to thank the Academy for inviting me to lecture in Stockholm, for its hospitality, and for the opportunity afforded me for admiring the charm of your people and the beauty of your country.

My father is an architect, so I often think like a designer or an architect. I remember when I was admiring buildings, I would look up at them and see this perspective and this awesome power of the monument in front of me.

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