Beauty in distress is much the most affecting beauty.

Things happening around the world are affecting you and me.

People need to be more aware of how they're affecting people.

The payroll tax is affecting sales. It's causing sales declines.

I think smells, like sounds, can be so much immediately affecting.

Sometimes you wonder if television is really affecting the culture.

I feel it's important to talk about the complex issues affecting us.

You never know when you are doing something that is affecting someone.

When you have children is the most important choice affecting your life.

Movies affecting music has caused me to collaborate a little bit better.

Conservatism is affecting the way women perceive who they are in the world.

When you're an artist, you can't write with the intent of affecting anyone.

Issues affecting tribal communities have routinely been minimized and ignored.

Technology is growing in all possible ways. It is affecting our lifestyle also.

You may not even realize how much your off-the-rack clubs are affecting your game.

I'm so sick of gay this, gay that. I could care less. It ain't affecting my life at all.

All comedy is really talking about social issues and things that are affecting our lives.

I want to squeeze every drop out of my potential as far as affecting the world around me.

In the hands of a great poet, words have ways of affecting us in ways we don't understand.

On the stage he was natural, simple, affecting, 'Twas only when he was off, he was acting.

Human societies vary in lots of independent factors affecting their openness to innovation.

We recognize that greenhouse gas emissions are one of the factors affecting climate change.

This is why fiction is an art, and life is not - how much more affecting is the lie than the truth.

I want the public to know the truth, not every condition affecting the heart comes from a blockage.

The joining of the whole congregation in prayer has something exceedingly solemn and affecting in it.

Factors affecting effective regional cooperation are mindsets and perceptions emanating from the past.

We have to stop the cycle of violence affecting so many of our communities. We have to love each other.

We need to vote people out of office that are perpetuating issues affecting young people, like gun violence.

Journalism is about results. It's about affecting your community or your society in the most progressive way.

Whether you do a play in front of 100 people or a movie that one billion people see, you're still affecting people.

When you go to places like Gary and Detroit, you see the economic problem in this country and who it's really affecting.

I'm always thinking about how what I'm doing is affecting the people around me. As a New Yorker, you have to be that way.

Music is such an incredibly affecting part of any movie-going experience, and it just... it shapes your whole experience.

I worry that the superficial way we read during the day is affecting us when we have to read with more in-depth processing.

Some people are money hungry and don't stop to think of who they're affecting and what really matters. There's a lot of ugly.

A core part of Teach For America's mission has always been affecting positive change in the traditional public school system.

Climate change is a fact, disrupting the environment, and also affecting economies, disease vectors, and political unrest worldwide.

Referees will make good decisions and bad ones. But when they make decisions actually affecting a game of football, it's disappointing.

You have the biggest impact on controlling, on affecting local lives as mayor. It's so much more important than being a state legislator.

5G will have an impact similar to the introduction of electricity or the car, affecting entire economies and benefiting entire societies.

Just because you have a piece of trash and you throw it away and it gets hauled away, it doesn't mean that it's not affecting someone else.

We have a responsibility to promote stem cell research which could lead to treatments and cures for diseases affecting millions of Americans.

I just feel like, especially after 'Crazy Rich Asians,' gentrification isn't affecting art. I am actually more inspired by art now than ever.

It's not like you have two sets of vocal cords. You only have one, and if you exhaust it from talking, then you're also affecting your singing.

When I first started doing work on how the Internet is affecting commerce, like a lot of people, I was really excited by this nearly perfect market.

I just think I have too much anxiety to listen to music. Sometimes it feels like noise, and sometimes it's so affecting that I can't recover from it.

Those who seek to satisfy the mind of man by hampering it with ceremonies and music and affecting charity and devotion have lost their original nature.

It's not a surprise that the mental health epidemic is affecting so many people because we can't escape this bubble from being on our phones and tablets.

The Roman Catholic church... carries the immense power of very directly affecting women's lives everywhere by its stand against birth control and abortion.

As a young boy, I had strange dreams of affecting people and somehow being instrumental in changing the makeup of Africa and helping to improve life there.

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