I'm an afternoon person.

I love an afternoon nap.

I spent a week there one afternoon.

Afternoon classes - that evil invention!

Harvard was a kind of luxurious afternoon.

I like to take afternoon naps in the nude.

What is moral is what you feel good after.

Sunday afternoon is for papers and writing.

There are always bad games and bad afternoons.

Spend the afternoon. You can't take it with you.

I love being able to take a nap in the afternoon.

Good afternoon, everybody-ugh, Jesus, gimme a sec.

All stories, if continued far enough, end in death.

All our words from loose using have lost their edge.

It's always morning for me until 4 in the afternoon.

Sunday afternoons are the longest afternoons of all.

I try to think about Elvis, Memphis, Oprah in the afternoon.

To whom it may concern: It is springtime. It is late afternoon.

If the afternoon had been blue, there might have been less desire.

Never draw more in the morning than you can erase in the afternoon

If me and my friends are feeling decadent, we go for afternoon tea.

Oh, we played about like three tons of buzzard puke this afternoon.

I spent the morning putting in a comma and the afternoon removing it.

in the trees this afternoon, he was a giver of bread and teddy bears.

We should live our lives as though Christ were coming this afternoon.

I'm a gym rat; I love my hour-long afternoon sessions with my trainer.

The unconscious mind has a habit of asserting itself in the afternoon.

Everyone's saved, we're in the grave. See you there for afternoon tea.

I drink iced coffee nearly every morning and many afternoons year-round.

Never drink black coffee at lunch; it will keep you awake all afternoon.

I gave up drinking once -- it was the worst afternoon of my entire life.

I never drink coffee at lunch. I find it keeps me awake for the afternoon.

We all have these places where shy humiliations gambol on sunny afternoons.

Books are no different from goats! They enjoy an afternoon out on the lawn.

I want to be a footballer - and that means playing on a Saturday afternoon.

Anywhere I can ski in the morning and sell a movie in the afternoon is good.

Destruction is the work of an afternoon. Creation is the work of a lifetime.

There are a lot more TV sets in use on Monday night than on Sunday afternoon.

People want sport that they can go on an afternoon and watch with their kids.

I wake up sometimes and roll over and sleep until 4 o'clock in the afternoon.

It is strange how sad it can be - sunlight in the afternoon, don't you think?

In the afternoon, it's impossible to put down any new words. I don't even try.

Practical! On Wednesday afternoons I could be practically anything. What's up?

We have a part-time nanny who does a few afternoons a week. We have a nursery.

The service took place on one of those afternoons that occur only in the past.

Home may be where the heart is but it's no place to spend Wednesday afternoon.

I spent most of this afternoon writing a new introduction for my autobiography.

To be clever in the afternoon argues that one is dining nowhere in the evening.

I wanted to be an actor because I saw 'Dog Day Afternoon,' you know what I mean?

I'm an afternoon tea maven. I can tell you who has the best tea in every country.

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