This afternoon, I've arranged for this ceremony to be illuminated by solar power.

I don't see why I can't listen to Miles Davis and Slipknot in the same afternoon.

Late afternoon on the West Coast ends with the sky doing all its brilliant stuff.

For 'The Gift of Stones,' I spent an afternoon chasing a flock of Canadian geese.

If you don't find a God by five o'clock this afternoon you must leave the college.

Until you've been kissed on a rainy Parisian afternoon - you've never been kissed.

I take a nap in the afternoons, and I'm in bed at 9 P.M. It's a struggle sometimes.

Saturday afternoon I'll go shopping. Always. I can find things to buy wherever I am.

If I had a free afternoon, I would play music, sit in my backyard, and drink coffee.

Fika is a bit like afternoon tea but with coffee and pastries instead of sandwiches.

Then blessings on thee, my afternoon torpor Thou makest a prince of a mental porpor.

I eat a lot of protein - steak in the morning, steak in the afternoon, fish, chicken.

Sometimes I'll hike in the afternoon if I have meetings with New York in the morning.

Mutilated corpses with a chance of afternoon showers. I got dressed and went to work.

I don't like it, but this afternoon I've told myself I am going to go and get a dress.

I tend not to eat lunch because a midday meal makes me want to sleep in the afternoon.

Sleeping like an internet person takes commitment, it all starts in the late afternoon.

A frozen daiquiri of a scorching afternoon is soothing. It makes living more tolerable.

Children love cupcakes and so do I - a good one makes the perfect afternoon pick-me-up.

Those old westerns are the movies I grew up with on Saturday afternoons at the theater.

I like watching old stuff. I like old Al Pacino movies. 'Serpico.' 'Dog Day Afternoon.'

'My Night at Maud's,' 'Claire's Knee,' 'Chloe in the Afternoon' are grafted onto my life.

I can't think of many places I'd rather spend Saturday afternoon than in a tattoo parlor.

My biggest thrill in life is to read in the afternoon until I fall asleep and take a nap.

Such tenderness, those afternoons and evenings, saying blackberry, blackberry, blackberry.

I take part in every training session, morning and afternoon, to make sure I'm fit enough.

I'm never any good in the morning. It is only after four in the afternoon that I get going.

The greatest luxury is being able to go to movies and plays now and then in the afternoons.

I'm an absolute fan of 1970s New York in films like 'Mean Streets' and 'Dog Day Afternoon.'

I usually sleep ten to eight hours per night. I sometimes also have a nap in the afternoon.

It was around 4 p.m. in the afternoon. I was just taking a nap. Luckily, my sister was home.

Sunday afternoons at a parish center - or a community center - is familiar territory for me.

Nature, like Maimonides said, is mainly a good place to throw beer cans on Sunday afternoons.

I like to read away as much of the afternoon as possible, until real life rears its ugly head.

Man, you don't know how I felt that afternoon when I heard that VOICE and it was my own VOICE.

I have a nap every afternoon like a little boy. Or an old man. Depending on how you look at it.

What'll we do with ourselves this afternoon? And the day after that, and the next thirty years?

We didn’t have Facebook in my day, we had a phone book but you wouldn’t waste an afternoon on it

Jack and I usually get together and sit around in the afternoons and start throwing ideas around.

Mornings belong to whatever is new; the current composition. Afternoons are for naps and letters.

Bootleggers quake in fear of me ringing them on a Sunday afternoon. I call after dinner, usually.

You cannot plant an acorn in the morning, and expect that afternoon to sit in the shade of an oak.

Sometimes, an afternoon spent in bed with someone can be the most important thing in the universe.

Having been raised very disciplined, I had to iron for my mom every Friday afternoon after school.

The only gambling I do is on a Saturday afternoon when I might put on two wingers or two strikers.

In my afternoon walk I would fain forget all my morning occupations and my obligations to society.

Just as London is not one endless afternoon tea, L.A. isn't all super-fit, health food-crazy freaks.

As footballers, we have time on our hands. Yes, we work very hard but we also have spare afternoons.

Millions long for immortality who don't know what to do with themselves on a rainy Sunday afternoon.

I do 20 minutes of transcendental meditation every morning, and I try to do it in the afternoon, too.

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