If you're an open book, there's no allure.

War seldom enters but where wealth allures.

My declining allure is a source of great sadness to me.

I’m addicted to your allure and I’m fiending for a cure.

Knowing very little about a band only adds to the allure.

Communism can't survive the captivating allure of capitalism.

We love we know not what, and therefore everything allures us.

I wish my 15-year-old self had known about my allure to the opposite sex!

By one bait or another, Nature allures inhabitants into all her recesses.

If I can muster up any allure in my life, at this stage, I wouldn't mind doing that.

Most distracting of all, though, was not the threat of danger but the allure of beauty.

I've never seen the allure of being famous, because I know what that's like. It's part of work.

I've never understood the allure of putting your name on a building that was built with taxpayers' money.

The allure of Hollywood is huge when you don't know anything. You don't know the knives behind the smiles.

The myriad of ways that a song can be interpreted is astounding to me, and it's part of the allure of writing.

Throughout a lot of my 20s, my sexual allure and power was one of the most important things about me, my currency.

This is NOT a pretty good business. You cannot be pretty good and be a national headliner. That becomes the allure.

Femininity is a lot of power. It's allure. And the moment you start competing directly with a man, it's not that fun.

... the best way to strip the allure and dreaminess from a lifelong dream is, very often, simply to have it come true.

That is the one single word that the food industry hates: 'addiction.' They much prefer words like 'crave-ability' and 'allure.'

Playing mother to grown-up kids does not allure me much. I will not feel comfortable. Also, my fans will not like me with grey hair.

Death is the one predator we can't escape. But vampires have found the loophole so many of us crave. I think that's the allure of vampirism.

By regulating marijuana, we can put black market drug dealers out of business and eliminate the rebellious allure that attracts young people.

Down with politics and the art of the possible; up with pronouncements and the allure of the prophetic: It's the way of demagogues everywhere.

When a woman gets dressed up to go out at night, she wants to give 50% away, and hold the rest back. If you're an open book, there's no allure.

I'm in great company and some may say that the underexposure has added to my allure and the staying power of me as a MC and The Roots as a band.

When I was young, communism, which had a certain allure to me, was clearly a failed experiment in the Soviet Union and in China. And yet, anti-communism was as bad.

I had no special effects, no monsters running around, nothing blew up; those things are all things I've done so many times that they lose their allure after a while.

Innovation and its allure can be dangerous. It can draw you away from the user, from the intended outcome, and may be the ultimate demise of otherwise great intentions.

Much of reality TV has been like the worst nightmares of Theodor Adorno and Jean Baudrillard come true, its seductive allure turning us into gossips in the global village.

Hopefully celebrities will resist the allure of advertising e-cigarettes in magazines, and also in movies, knowing that their endorsement have a powerful effect on teenagers.

There are some really interesting celebrities and people who are fun to interview, but when you have to do it every day because you have to fill a slot, the allure wears off.

I like hearing the sort of harmonies people get into in different parts of the world. I love music that has a sense of allure to it, and exotic tunes. That's what I'm drawn to.

There are powdered salts, chunked salts, salts shaped in different ways with various additives to work perfectly with processed foods. All of them are geared to increase allure.

I don't like women who follow fashion in the sense of becoming victims of it. I like women who have elegance, who have allure, who use fashion, rather than the other way around.

For most of us, when our 'dreams' - I use the word with reservations - came true, and marriage and motherhood became a reality, the romcoms, like horoscopes, swiftly lost their allure.

Superheroes have always been my thing. I've always loved their great allure, whether it's your traditional superhero like Batman or Superman, or even Greek Mythology, heroes like Zeus.

The allure becomes, "Can I make these rooms bigger?" Can I fill these 1,500-seat rooms? Then the allure is, how much, if we're being honest, how much can I squeeze out of it financially?

Most people forget that you have to create relationships. The allure of the first years settles down, and at that moment, you better start creating it; otherwise, you're going to lose out.

The biggest thing people tell me is that I'll be jaded real soon and that the allure of filmmaking will lose its magic. Not necessarily the fame, but that special thing you create onscreen.

These are big trade-offs for a simple piece of cake - add five hundred calories, subtract well-being, allure, and self-esteem - and the feelings behind them are anything but vain or shallow.

Part of the allure of watching characters on-screen is to be able to put yourself in his or her shoes or to be able to relate to what he or she is going through or what he or she is thinking.

When the going gets tough, the prospect of delegating half your responsibilities to a willing volunteer, either to play a supporting role or take over the breadwinning, certainly holds allure.

There's nothing more powerful than a woman who knows how to contain her power and not let it leak, standing firmly within it in mystery and silence. A woman who talks too much sheds her allure.

I think it's natural for people to see a band and imagine themselves as part of that. That's what I grew up fantasizing about, looking at posters of bands on my wall. There is an allure to a band.

The U.S has acquired reservoirs of goodwill around the globe over many years. But it is clear - from polling data and ample anecdotal evidence - that America is losing its allure in much of the world.

If you are an investor, I hope that you will stay with me for three, four, ten years. But if you ask me to make profits in ways that I have to change my allure, I won't do that. I won't lose my identity.

In 1976, Jimmy Carter - peanut farmer; carried his own suitcase, imagine that - somewhat tapped America's durable but shallow reservoir of populism. By 1980, ordinariness in high office had lost its allure.

I can understand the allure of a venerable Big Six imprint, of a shot at the New York Times list, of a publisher-sponsored book tour, of seeing your hardbacks in bookstores and your paperbacks in supermarkets.

The children of politicians learn the allure and tricks of politics along with their alphabet. They inherit a network of useful contacts, and - if they're lucky - a name that confers instant voter recognition.

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