It's amazing to hear, as a voice matures and then starts to decline, what kind of emotion is still conveyed by a really good vocalist.

It's just extremely difficult to shoot with five dogs. They're great, and the people who handle them are amazing. But they're animals.

I enjoy looking at words on paper and visualizing how to make them come to life. As a director, the creative process is really amazing.

I hope maybe one day I can be like Wayne Rooney. Maybe then some young players will be proud to play against me. That would be amazing.

I'm incredibly fortunate to have met the intelligent, generous, risk-taking, stimulating man to whom I am married. He's really amazing.

I think Pussy Riot is amazing. I'm honored that they were inspired by riot grrl, and obviously they're making history around the world.

Having the opportunity to join the FOX family as a soccer analyst in their Moscow studio for what will be my third World Cup is amazing.

In football you always get judged on your last game. Whoever you are, or how amazing you are, it's the last game that everyone has seen.

My favourite singer ever in the world is Ari Up from The Slits. Her voice is amazing to me. It's carefree, but it's also really amazing.

I just want to be a part of great stories, whether I'm part of an amazing ensemble cast or I'm leading it or the antagonist or whatever.

I work with an amazing team - I have a stylist and a hairdresser and make-up artist who are always wondering what I am going to do next!

I'm so thrilled to be partnering up with William Rast. I'm such a fan of the brand and being a part of the new campaign has been amazing.

Chris Messina is amazing, and he's so serious - he's, like, a proper actor! He's got craft! I love to watch him. But not in a creepy way.

My childhood memories are amazing; I had freedom in every way - but I see everything from a different perspective now that I live outside.

It's the best feeling ever: the adrenalin, the extra boost, the support you get from the very passionate Australian Open crowd is amazing.

It's amazing, as a player and as a coach, how you always remember the tough losses better than the victories. They're just way more vivid.

Most of the southern hemisphere is unexplored. We had more exploration ships down there during Captain Cook's time than now. It's amazing.

I stumbled on a joke idea and style that worked, the audience went with it and, from that moment on, I was hooked. It's an amazing feeling.

I'm very concerned for the future of the earth and its amazing creatures. We've got to be careful and make sure we don't foul our own nest.

I love snow; I love building snowman. The only thing I don't like is the cold - so if we could have a hot Christmas, that would be amazing.

Being surrounded by great women and amazing role models and good teammates allowed me to unfold and evolve into the person that I am today.

I was in Barcelona working with Shakira, and it was an amazing experience. She's a great artist, and I learned a lot while working with her.

I ate some really amazing food in Thailand. I had river turtle, and dried rat, which was quite chewy and interesting and a bit like biltong.

Men and women do think differently, and frankly, we don't understand each other. Not at all! But that's what makes relationships so amazing.

My mom, the fabulous Bertie Kinsey, is an amazing seamstress. She quilts and sews and is so crafty. We call her the Southern Martha Stewart!

I personally run my social media, so I read all the messages. I get amazing messages. I try to respond as much as possible. Slow, but steady.

'10' was amazing! I had no career before '10' and then all of a sudden I was able to do pretty much whatever I was able to do in the business.

May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds.

Print books have an amazing superpower because they don't disappear when you're done with them. Books on the shelf remind you that they exist.

I know some amazing actors who are not mortified every moment of the day, so my feeling is that maybe you don't have to be a wreck to be good.

Nobody in life gets exactly what they thought they were going to get. But if you work really hard and you're kind, amazing things will happen.

I have had a simple life. I have amazing support from family, a great set of friends; financially and emotionally, I have been quite balanced.

Your life is your canvas, and you are the masterpiece. There are a million ways to be kind, amazing, fabulous, creative, bold, and interesting.

My public image is so low-key, but I get to travel the world and still have an audience and it's really amazing. I don't take that for granted.

When I look into the crowd, I see young and old, black and white - it's amazing that I'm able to connect with so many different kinds of people.

Adele's amazing, I think the world of her and her music and I think Tinie Tempah is cool. To work with someone like Kanye West would be awesome.

I think it's amazing that I can go out there and be myself, and the fact that I'm carrying Puerto Rico on my back a little bit is such an honor.

Dance has always been my number one. I started when I was seven years old and I've had the opportunity to work with some really amazing artists.

The reason I quit fashion was that I had had enough of spending my time always being on my knees, making other people look amazing and fabulous.

My son has been the best thing that has happened in my life. He has been amazing, and he is truly heaven-sent. And so, I just feel all that love.

Society puts so much emphasis on outer appearance, but being confident in yourself and not letting others' opinions affect you is pretty amazing.

It's amazing that I can inspire little kids to know that you can be short or tall, and your body type doesn't matter because you can do anything.

For every dancer, no matter how amazing your career, there's more to life than ballet. Being adored by your audience, it's only part of the story.

I couldn't believe it, this is the first time I've been on the Grammys and it's amazing. I've been dreaming to be here at the Grammys for so long.

My dad's great. He's an amazing artist. A sculptor. He's wonderful and supportive. I love going to museums with him - we talk about... everything.

People always tell you, 'Be humble. Be humble.' When was the last time someone told you to be amazing? Be great! Be great! Be awesome! Be awesome!

You don't really get to witness what athletes go through. Like, the sacrifices and stuff like that. It's by far the most amazing, beautiful thing.

I carry my iPod everywhere. My favorite group is the John Butler Trio, an Australian jam band. The lead singer and guitarist writes amazing lyrics.

Edgar Allan Poe is amazing because he was so dark. He's from Baltimore and so cynical that you can feel it when you're reading, it feels so honest.

Other people pull off amazing festivals and events and things like that. I think ours is a little bit different, and that's what makes us distinct.

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