It's quite amazing what 3D is doing to movies. Just simple things like a paper plane flying at you or flower petals fluttering about are wonderful.

We had an amazing experience shooting the first season of 'Leverage' with such a talented cast and crew and with the full support of TNT behind us.

Maradona, yes! Diego was very fast, with good skills and brilliant dribbling. Many players are fast but cannot control the ball, but he was amazing.

If you're going to do a job, do it right. If you're going to throw a birthday party, make it amazing. If you're going to do anything, do it awesome.

My mom is a really good cook. I didn't get the cooking gene, but she cooks this really amazing dinner every Christmas, and that's always really fun.

Shah Rukh Khan is such a gentleman that he doesn't intimidate anyone. He is nothing but sweet to everyone, and he has been absolutely amazing to me.

The night of the WeeLC match was the biggest match of my career. That gave me a ton of amazing memories that will never be able to be taken from me.

Sydney is the most amazing city. The food and the beautiful beaches are fantastic, and all that surf and sunshine make you feel unbelievably relaxed.

Having presidential candidates say they are supportive of the concept of doing something like the Green New Deal is amazing, but it's not sufficient.

We have seen amazing, creative and interactive pictures from camera owners, and I'm looking forward to the Lytro camera being available in Australia.

It's amazing how a simple brief phone call can pick up the spirits of the most dejected hamster, the most stressed goldfish and the most neurotic cat.

I mean, everything that is upon this earth, even from a worm or a caterpillar that blossoms into a butterfly, you know, these things are just amazing.

I really enjoyed being Peppy Miller. She was an amazing character and her energy followed me everywhere. When I talk about her I want to be her again.

Tyler Breeze! He is so amazing. He taught me so much about psychology when I was in NXT; he helped me so much with my matches with Eva Marie or Asuka.

When Tom Ford asked me to consult for Gucci, I had never consulted in my life. I didn't know what consulting was, and look, we made something amazing.

For me, I don't expect to have a really amazing meal each time I dine out. Having a good meal with your loved ones - that's what makes the experience.

Even when I see a beautiful woman, I think, 'Aw, her life must be amazing.' Everyone does it. That's human nature to believe that beauty is everything.

The life of an entrepreneur is the life of a human. Some days are amazing. Some days are a struggle. A lot are in between. It's the same for all of us.

I went and hung out at a foot fetish party, and I knew that was a very popular fetish to have, but I didn't realize how amazing it would be to have it.

The attitude is we live and let live. This is actually an amazing change in values in a rather short time and it's an example of freedom from religion.

The truth sets you free. It's a very liberating thing, when you say this is who I am warts and all and then you can just get on with life. It's amazing.

Robert Zemeckis is a genius filmmaker who is an amazing individual. I feel really blessed that I've gotten to work with him on many different occasions.

Celebrity has some amazing advantages, of course it does. You're given an extraordinary power. It's a door-opener. I might not have to queue for things.

Time is kind of an amazing thing because you can do so much with it. I think people underestimate time... I don't want to just sit on my phone for hours.

Christina Ricci is amazing, the most professional actor I think I've ever met. You can be chatting with her and when they call action, she's right there.

I've only done four or five episodes of 'Two and a Half Men,' and its amazing how many people recognize me for that more than anything else in my career.

Music, in Mexico, just wasn't working out. So, I fell into acting and I just fell in love with it. It was amazing! It was a great safe place to just vent.

It definitely feels different to perform to people who know your music. Because people's feedback is not just, 'Oh my God, that was amazing. Who are you?'

There are goals that I have, and then I dream of it, and then I make it a reality. If I could crawl out of my skin and see it, it would be really amazing.

We're all inspired by what has come before us, but hope to use the inspiration to create our own. That's the artist's journey. It's a pretty amazing path.

For such a small country, Britain packs in an amazing diversity of landscapes: coastline, lakes, mountains, rolling countryside, villages and great cities.

When 'designed in Europe' is combined with 'made in China' and when European technologies are applied to the Chinese market, there will be amazing results.

I've been lucky, my wife's been amazing. Any time we've had cricket matches she sends me to the spare room to get some sleep. She takes care of everything.

Some of my fans have said that because I've been able to speak about my issues, that they're not afraid to speak about theirs, which is an amazing feeling.

Steve Jobs' ability to focus in on a few things that count, get people who get user interface right, and market things as revolutionary are amazing things.

I love to have no plans. It is amazing where your day can turn when you have no plans: meeting people or just going to a little pub on the side of the road.

After every bath, I make sure to moisturize my entire body. I'm obsessed with Diptyque: people love their candles, but their body products are also amazing.

Even more amazing than modern technology is our opportunity to access information directly from Heaven, without hardware, software, or monthly service fees.

I've always been into fashion and thought it would be amazing to have a clothing line. I just never thought I would have a chance to do something like that.

Outstanding leaders go out of their way to boost the self-esteem of their personnel. If people believe in themselves, it's amazing what they can accomplish.

The demands at Real Madrid are huge. The expectations are enormous. Sometimes, it is good. When you're winning, it's an amazing place and the fans are happy.

It's amazing that people still feel, 'Oh my gosh, it's a black guy.' We've been here for a long time; let's get used to it. Let's get used to other cultures.

My parents, in their 40s, moved to a different country, started a business, bought a house, didn't speak the language, raised two kids - it's kind of amazing.

I went to an all-girls school for part of high school, and the idea of boys was amazing to me; like, all I ever wanted to do was kiss boys and be around boys.

I was logging 15-hour days, sampling food every minute. I had access to these amazing dishes, and it was easy to lose sight of how quickly the bites added up.

It was really amazing. I mean, he'd never mentioned that he played in the symphony, like serious violin playing, not fiddle playing. And he just blew us away.

It's awesome to see something like 'Inception', which is just mind-blowing and amazing, and it actually resonates with the audiences. I feel like that's rare.

Big dress, cocktails, party - I love that. It is my work, but my work allow me to have glamour, to wear beautiful and amazing dresses, to go to big ceremonies.

When a garment is in sync with your body and its proportions, it looks and feels amazing, and in France that is something that all women know from a young age.

God has blessed me with an amazing family, friends and work colleagues that have been my joy, my support, and my sanity. I don't know what I'd do without them.

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