Art is not only about angst.

I don't get hung up a lot on angst.

I was an angst-y journal writing kid.

I understand the angst of a filmmaker.

Good Charlotte is anger management teen angst.

I don't really have that much angst to get rid of.

I was a quiet teenager, introverted, full of angst.

I can be a bit grumpy. Im full of angst, and hormones.

In my teenage years, there was a lot of angst going on.

I can be a bit grumpy. I'm full of angst, and hormones.

I think a lot of my angst comes from feeling unaccepted.

Each generation needs a 'Spider-Man' to mirror their angst.

I failed angst in high school. They let me graduate anyway.

I love rap, and I love the angst of hardcore music and punk rock.

You can't be angsty all day or else it becomes a sort of pale angst.

An entire empire built on teenage angst, yes? Thank you, John Hughes!

I am not steeped in all that angst. I'm never going to be Sid Vicious.

Can we save the live demo for later, please? Bean Sidhe in angst, here.

The Smiths are singing and someone says "Turn that gay angst music off.

I had teen angst for a while, but I think every teenager has the angst.

I wouldn't want to go back to my 20s; they were pretty angst-laden times.

Let's just say, the American school of suburban angst is not my cup of tea.

I'm a songwriter who's put my childhood memories and teenage angst into songs.

A song about post-teenage angst like 'Mad World' seems to be permanently relevant.

Our companies are active worldwide. I don't detect globalisation angst among them.

Anyone who's followed our band through the years has heard about the teenage angst.

When people meet me I think they're surprised to find out I'm not always angst-ridden.

Music used to be a lot more about angst for me. Now it's the only form of meditation I do.

I don't have anything left to offer in the teen-angst area. I've done it every way I know how.

When I left school I was full of angst, like any teenager, and I channeled it all into comedy.

To this day, I still would choose the angst over something easier, when I really don't have to.

I've been angst-ridden all my life, but finally I'm in a place where things don't matter so much.

I used to make fun of young people when I was 17 - the angst, the insecurities, all those tattoos.

I don't want to be that artist who's doing the teenage angst thing and draw it out my whole career.

There aren't many poster children for cool angst. Everybody thinks it's cool if you're the bad girl.

I've been in that angst of loneliness, where you're really alone in the universe, except for the dog.

I have a very good life, so I have nothing to complain about. Sometimes, I just have existential angst.

Angst is not the human condition, it’s the purgatory between what we have and what we want but can’t get.

I always tell people that revelling in big ideas for me is kind of like an antidote to existential angst.

Most applicants to creative writing programs submit stories about the angst of their suburban childhoods.

What if you threw a protest and no one showed up? The lack of angst and anger and emotion is a big positive.

Without faith that there's a world beyond the one we live in, I don't see how it's possible to get rid of angst.

Whether it's angst or jealousy, catfights always have to come from the wellspring of the emotion of the character.

I was, like, this token teen angst child of Broadway. It's so funny. What is that? I don't even know. But I loved it.

I do not have the angst and the anxiety of my youth. I've gotten to a place where I'm very comfortable with who I am.

My motivation is, in part, a bit of angst that comes from feeling like I don't belong, that our generation doesn't belong.

There's a void of leadership in a lot of Washington. I think one of the reasons why there's so much angst across the country.

Prom culture is now painstakingly documented on sites such as Instagram and Facebook, exacerbating the angst of the uninvited.

I wasn't a very academic kid, and music was the way for all that feeling and angst and sex and love and anger to be channelled.

Obama's stern demeanor punctuated by intermittent flashes of his wide, relaxing smile is his greatest weapon in defusing pent-up angst.

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