I'm an animal lover.

I'm a really big animal lover.

I'm definitely an animal lover.

I love animals. I'm a big animal lover.

Animal lover that I am, a cougar I am not.

I'm a dog lover and animal lover all around.

I love all animals. I'm such an animal lover.

I've always been an animal lover my entire life.

I'm a real animal lover. I adore animals of all shapes and sizes.

I'm definitely an animal lover, and I stand up for all animals' rights.

I have three dogs, a cat, fish. I'm a huge animal lover. They're amazing.

I love my pets, and I'm a big animal lover. I also enjoy the nature and countryside.

There was never a moment in my life that I remember not being a crazy animal lover!'

I have pictures of me feeding deer and possums with baby bottles. I am such an animal lover.

I've always been an animal lover and have no human children, so my heart has been with helping animals.

I was always an animal lover. Even back in school and college, an animal in need of help was my responsibility.

I'm not an animal lover if that means you think things are nice if you can pat them, but I am intoxicated by animals.

I was just an animal lover. Everything that the Sam Simon Foundation does is supposed to help dogs and people - that's our mission.

I won't wear fur - never, ever. I'm an animal lover. I wouldn't even wear faux fur. I prefer to go the cheap route and not shave my legs.

I don't wear fur and I understand their cause. I am the biggest animal lover in the world. I have four dogs and two horses, and I have rescued animals all my life.

When I was younger, my family would go camping and fishing on our ranches. My dad loves being around all kinds of animals. He's the one who got me to be a really big animal lover.

I was a huge meat eater, but there came a turning point where I was like, actually I don't think I want to do this anymore. I'm a big animal lover. And I just thought, let me give it a go.

I'm a huge animal lover - I love animals to death. I've got tortoises and three dogs, and I've had a million animals in the past. I just think that we should do all we can to take care of them.

I became a vegetarian at 15. I was always an animal lover and, as a teenager, became increasingly uncomfortable with the idea of eating meat. It was then that I started to research vegetarianism.

I'm an avid animal lover. When I was 16, I wanted to be a vet or a zookeeper. I grew up with animals. At one time we had between five and eight dogs in the house, with four cats. We're menagerie people.

I've had dogs all my life. I'm a huge animal lover, especially dogs, so that's one of the hardest things about being away all the time. I really miss them, but my mum does a really good job looking after then when I'm gone.

I've always been an animal lover. I've grown up with dogs my whole life. I think that is what helped me get the role on 'Lassie', I was comfortable around the dog, where many of the kids were afraid or intimidated by Lassie.

I have never really been fond of animals. I certainly wasn't an 'animal lover' when I became involved in the movement. I just came to be persuaded that animals should be treated as independent sentient beings, not as means to human ends.

I have always been an animal lover. I had a hard time disassociating the animals I cuddled with - dogs and cats, for example - from the animals on my plate, and I never really cared for the taste of meat. I always loved my Brussels sprouts.

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