One may not eat what has a face.

Do not be ungrateful to animals.

The spectator is a dying animal.

Dogs never bite me. Just humans.

I like animals who trust people.

I'm not really an animal person.

I'm a real pushover for animals.

Support your right to arm bears.

Never work with kids or animals.

The horse is my favorite animal.

I'm a real animal. I'm an animal.

Love is the problem of an animal.

A fly is as untamable as a hyena.

I love very much to draw animals.

No animal admires another animal.

A canter is the cure for all evil.

My body is not a tomb for animals.

All the animals come out at night.

I'm very much into animal welfare.

We are fastened to a dying animal.

Life is no way to treat an animal.

All cruelty springs from weakness.

I was brought up on animal grease.

Who loves me will love my dog also.

Pet stores just sell their animals.

A boy is not a sitting-down animal.

Man, an animal that makes bargains.

Palestinians caged up like animals.

Man, an animal that makes bargains.

I'm in love with my animal friends.

Man as a pure animal does not exist

Never work with animals or children.

I foster a lot. Not humans, animals.

God answered the prayers of animals.

Man as a pure animal does not exist.

Man is by nature a political animal.

If you love animals, don't eat them.

I'd rather bare skin than wear skin.

The human is the only guilty animal.

Beasts kill for hunger, men for pay.

Man is a perpetually wanting animal.

There is no animal lazier than a cat.

He who is not actively kind is cruel!

Time spent with cats is never wasted.

My father was not a political animal.

Cows are gentle, interesting animals.

I'm sexing raw dog without protection.

And I'm wondering where the lions are.

Man has been adjudged a social animal.

I've become an animal rights activist.

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