When I was ten, I did my first show. It was 'Annie.'

The real Annie Malone was not a light-skinned woman.

My first-ever radio interview was with Annie Mac on Radio 1!

Once I made a boyfriend dress up as Woody Allen from 'Annie Hall.'

And random bits of happiness, like Finnick and Annie's newborn boy.

As Annie Proulx is to Wyoming, so is Jane Candia Coleman to Arizona.

While filming 'Annie Hall,' I never really hung out with Woody Allen.

I like to sing along to Annie Lennox and pretend to be as sassy as her.

I loved playing the part of the feisty Annie Sullivan in The Miracle Worker

Carol Burnett, who played Miss Hannigan in 'Annie,' is as funny as it gets.

Carol Burnett, who played Miss Hannigan in 'Annie', is as funny as it gets.

I loved playing the part of the feisty Annie Sullivan in The Miracle Worker.

I took individual photographs of Annie Liebovitz, I kept taking her picture.

I know that Annie Lennox has saved my life quite a few times, and I never forget that.

Then I went through a big Peggy Lee stage, then I became Annie Ross, then Judy Collins.

I really like musicals - 'The Music Man,' 'Oklahoma!,' 'Li'l Abner,' 'Annie Get Your Gun.'

Radio 1 has always championed women; take Annie Nightingale, for example. One of my heroes.

I've really enjoyed doing 'Annie Get Your Gun' and loved Neil Simon stuff like 'Chapter Two.'

When I played 'Annie' in the seventh grade, I knew from then on that I wanted to be an actor.

I've seen 'The Godfather Part II,' 'Broadcast News,' and 'Annie Hall' more than 20 times each.

One of my favourite movies is 'Annie Hall' because it's about the silver lining of the break-up.

My idols are Janis Joplin and Annie Lennox, who are neither of them from the typical pop culture.

After I saw 'Annie' on Broadway, I came out of the show crying, because I wanted to be on that stage.

I was a sort of New York intellectual when I was 16. I wanted to dress like Annie Hall when I was 18.

I did a theatrical musical, Annie Warbucks, when I was 11. We did a tour and we stopped by Los Angeles.

I knocked part of my tooth out with a scrubbing brush on stage whilst singing 'Hard Knock Life' in Annie.

I did my first play around four or five. I can't remember the first one, but I did 'Annie' when I was five.

'Hester Street' was my most complete character study, but 'Annie Hall' and 'The Last Detail' were also great.

Did you love Annie right away, Finnick?" I ask. "No." A long time passes before he adds, "She crept up on me.

I was in eighth grade when I did my first Junior Theatre show. I was in 'Annie Get Your Gun' as a dancing Indian.

I put a song on Soundcloud, and Annie Mac made it record of the week, and a month later, I signed my record deal.

I'd seen 'Punky Brewster,' I'd seen 'Webster,' I saw 'Annie,' and it was time to either be an orphan or an actress.

My mom took me to see 'Annie' on Broadway when I was little, and I just wanted to be doing what those girls were doing.

I used to dance around the house and taught myself the 'Annie' soundtrack. I got into singing and fell in love with it.

It was amazing for me to even perform at the Grammys, but to do so alongside Annie Lennox was a truly incredible honor.

I don't want to go back to Capital Radio. I don't want to go back to rolling in custard with Sheena Easton and Annie Lennox.

I love Diane Keaton's style in 'Annie Hall,' but I like to think my own style is like a cross between 'Annie Hall' and Prince.

Growing up, I loved Boy George, George Michael, Annie Lennox, Queen, Freddie Mercury, Celine Dion, Barbra Streisand and Diana Ross.

I love mixing and matching patterns, styles old and new, feminine and masculine and drawing inspiration from characters like Annie Hall.

My two favorite musicals growing up in were 'Annie' and 'Sweeney Todd,' and my best friend and I would sing all the songs when I was a kid.

'Annie Hall' and 'The Graduate' are incredible films. Why should we be deprived of watching them because some of the men that made them are bad?

They said this is Vanity Fair, and I said, Oh, I already take the magazine. They said Annie Leibovitz wants to take your picture and I thought, How nice!

Everyone around me was super-cool and laid back and skinny and tan and volleyball-y, and I was just this neurotic kid who was singing 'Annie Get Your Gun.'

Annie Lalley is one of the funniest and most likable personalities you'll ever see on stage --which makes the depth of her songwriting all the more striking

I was on my dad's tour bus when I was super little. My dad did a tour of 'Annie Get Your Gun' when I was really little, and I loved going and seeing him do that.

I think I always have Woody Allen in mind whenever I'm creating anything. He's such a genius, and I think 'Annie Hall' is one of the greatest movies ever written.

Now, with Annie gone, I'm looking for a new dog. I have a lot of duck hunting planned, and I can't imagine doing it without a dog. I'm 84, so I won't get a puppy.

I started acting as a child in Community Theatre but I didn't do any serious stuff. It was all musicals like 'Annie' and 'Wizard of Oz.' I was always in the chorus.

When the TV version of Annie came on, I was drawn to it. It was the struggle of this poor kid in this environment and how her life changed. It immediately resonated.

I don't know if you have ever seen the Woody Allen film 'Annie Hall,' but it is, in a way, to Los Angeles and 'Hollywood' what 'This Is Spinal Tap' is to many musicians.

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